Page 58 of You're the One

Chapter 14

Hands in pockets, head whirling with thoughts of one woman, Nash left the chocolate place.

He wanted her, and she wanted him, so why couldn’t they scratch that itch? If they did, maybe he could move on and not feel like he’d put on a shirt covered in hair every time she was close.

He didn’t think she was a one-night girl though, which was a problem.

Nash heard the crash of a garbage can and sound of glass smashing to his right. It was coming from the parking place behind Tea Total. He went to check it out in case someone was hurt. It was probably kids doing shit they shouldn’t. He’d just walk to the end and take a look. It was dark, but there were security lights here.

His foot connected with something, a can, and the rolling sound it made had a head popping up above a car roof. He couldn’t make out the features or if it was a man or a woman.

“You all good?” Nash kept his voice cool. The person didn’t reply. He wasn’t sure why, but something felt off, so he moved closer. “You need a hand?”

The head disappeared so he moved closer. It was when he reached the car the person was behind that he saw the shoe.

“Luna, shit.” He dropped to his knees beside her. She lay on her side unmoving. He heard the sound of running feet and guessed whoever he’d seen had fled.

“Luna, wake up now.” He pressed his fingers into her neck and felt for a pulse. “Breathing,” he said. “She’s breathing.”

Nash pulled out his phone and called his sister, she and Fin, who had medical training, would get here faster than an ambulance. “Maggs, come quick, behind Tea Total. Luna is hurt. Bring Fin.” He rolled her gently onto her back.

“Luna, you need to wake up now.” He touched her cheek, and her eyes fluttered open. Dazed and filled with pain, she tried to focus on him.

“It’s okay.” He held her still as she tried to move. “Let me see where you’re hurt.”

Her limbs and body seemed okay, but when he got to her head and eased it up slightly, he found a lump on the back. There was also a cut on the top and plenty of blood.

“I’m all right,” she said slowly.

“No, you’re not, so lie still.” He placed a hand on her shoulder when she tried to rise.

The sound of footsteps filled him with relief. Nash knew the basics of first aid. Had to, where he worked. But she needed a doctor.

“Bring a car!” he roared to anyone listening.

“What happened?” Fin dropped to her other side.

“I heard a thud, then a bottle smashing. When I came to investigate someone was here, but they ran when I found her.”

Fin swore softly as he began to check Luna.

“Luna.” Charlie was on her knees beside her friend seconds later. “Oh my God.”

“She’s all right,” Nash said. “Just a cut and lump on her head.”

Car lights flooded the space. Doors were thrown open, then more feet.

“Can she be moved?” Jack Trainer asked.

“Looks like it’s just the head, but we need to get her to the hospital,” Fin said.

“I can move. I’m all right, Charlie.” Luna struggled to get up. “I don’t need a hospital or doctor.”

“No, you can’t sit up, and don’t be an idiot. You need to see a doctor and you are.” Nash slid his hands under her and stood, then headed for the car. Luke was driving.

“I just pulled up when Jack ran into the street. Is she all right?”

Nash climbed in the back seat with Luna still in his arms. Charlie was soon beside him.