Page 54 of You're the One

Chapter 13

Nash had followed Luna up the street when she’d walked away from him. He hadn’t even known he was going to grab her until he had. Then after he had her pressed up against that wall, he’d lost the power of thought.

Her mouth, that body. That breast in his hand. Christ, she turned him inside out. They’d made out in an alley where anyone could have seen them. What the hell was the matter with him? He’d never done anything like that in his teenage years, let alone now.

She was Luna McKinley. He only knew what he’d heard about her but knew enough that he shouldn’t be touching a woman like that.

She was sipping her drink, trying not to look at him. His eye ran down the buttons of her shirt. He’d opened them, touched her.

Fuck! Shut it down, Nash.

That crap with those women was messed up too. Who did stuff like that? Nash wondered if she even knew the danger she could have been in if they hadn’t arrived when they had.

“Here’s your coffee, Nash.”

He nodded to Albert, who owned the chocolate place.

“How come he gets coffee?” Jack Trainer asked.

“I asked for it.”

“Don’t tell me.” Piper raised a hand. “You thought because it was a chocolate place you couldn’t get anything else, right?”

Nash didn’t do impulsive things like making out with women in places where anyone could find them. He was careful and methodical in what he did… usually.

Luna’s eyes met his, then moved on. She was dangerous; he needed to remember that going forward.

“Where’s Monica?” Ted asked him.

“Sleeping off her day. That horse is a regular social butterfly,” Nash said.

“The poll has Phoebe in the lead,” Rory said, looking at her phone. “Rachel is a close second. But I think my entry of Webbigail Vanderquack may change that.”

“What are you talking about?” Nash asked.

“The Facebook poll.”

“Still clueless,” Nash said.

Rory handed him her phone. “That’s the local Facebook page. They’re running a poll on what Monica will call her duck.”

Sure enough, the post said,What will our latest equine resident call her best buddy? Help out a duck and put your ideas underneath. Winning name gets a muffin and coffee/tea at Tea Total.Beneath were names, and people voted on them.

“You have to be shitting me.” Nash handed back the phone. “What the hell is wrong with you people?”

“As in?” Ted asked. “Because you need to be more specific, bud. Plenty going on in this town, and a whole lot of that is crazy.”

“Amen,” everyone but him and Luna said.

His body still felt her. Still simmered with tension because of what they’d done. He needed to get out of here and go home. Needed time alone to think.

“Like I said, I should have gone to Antarctica to settle,” he muttered. “Want to tell me what that was about?” He looked at Luna, who was seated across from him.

She drank some of her hot chocolate and made a small humming sound that traveled to his groin. He really should have continued pissing off this woman; at least then he’d have had a reason to keep his distance and not make out with her in an alley.

“What?” She blinked those long eyelashes and focused her cool blue eyes on him.

“That stuff on the street.” She blushed fiery red at his words, so he quickly added, “Those women intimidating you.”