Page 139 of You're the One

“I’m sorry, Nash. Really. I just needed you to know it was me that sent that picture.”

“You need to apologize to Luna not me. You also need to tell Chief Blake, you sent it. He’s been trying to track down the culprit.”

“I will.”

“Look, Kirsty, I need to go.”

“Tell Luna I’m sorry.”

He didn’t say anything more, just moved into the middle of the street.

“Where are you?” He turned a circle. Nash’s eyes locked on the drive that led to the parking behind Tea Total. He’d run down there and check, just to make sure she wasn’t hiding from him.

He found Nicks dragging her to a car.

“Let her go!”

Nicks stopped at his words, but didn’t release her.

“Get your hands of her,” Nash growled, moving closer.

“Fuck off back to the ranch, cowboy!” Nicks snarled.

“Don’t speak to him like that!” Luna snapped. She then stomped on his foot. Nicks winced. She jabbed her elbow into his gut. He released her and she was running, to him.

Nash grabbed her, pulling her in for a fierce hug. “Leave now, Luna, Let me deal with him.” He pushed her behind him.

“She’s not going anywhere with you!” Simon lunged at her.

Nash intercepted him and shoved him back hard. Nicks stumbled but kept upright. When he came at Nash again, he held a knife.

“I’m carving you up so she won’t look at you again!”

“Simon, no!”

Nash couldn’t look at Luna. His eyes stayed on the knife-wielding man.

“Stay back, Luna.” Nash kept moving, trying to draw Simon Nicks with him, and hopefully down the alley. “Go get help, baby.”

“I’m not leaving you.”

Nicks lunged at him. Nash tried to avoid the blade but he felt it slice deep into his upper arm.

“What the fuck!”

“It’s that paparazzi asshole!”

Nash heard the voices and knew they were no longer alone.Luna was safe.He kept his focus on Simon Nicks.

“There is no way out of this, Nicks,” Nash said.

“Then I’ll fucking take you with me!”

“Help him!” He heard Luna’s cry. The distraction drew Nicks eyes briefly; Nash kicked out with his foot, and got the man in the wrist. The knife flew free, and he was on him seconds later. One punch dropped him. But Nash wasn’t done. He landed more blows until hands pulled him off.

He wanted to kill the bastard for scaring Luna.

“No more now, Nash,” Fin said the words. “It’s done, and we need to see if you’re hurt. I saw his knife strike you.”