Page 132 of You're the One

“Maybe. Whatever it is, she deserves it.”

“She does, but we should warn her, Hugo.”

He looked at her for a long heartbeat. “Can we just not let her be sucked dry by that poisonous toad?”

“I don’t like her, and while that does sound appealing, it’s not right.”

“I know.” he sighed. “But we’ll deal with that when we’re back in Chicago.”

“I can’t believe we were so fooled by Lilly,” Luna whispered.

“I’m sorry, Luna. I thought she was one of the good ones.”

“Not your fault.” She fell onto the side of the bed.

“I think she got into your computer, because she had articles about your father and pictures of him being led into court handcuffed. Other things too, like police reports.”

“That bitch,” Luna hissed. “Those were in my private files.”

“We hired her because she was so good with tech stuff, remember?” Hugo ran a hand over her head. “I had the keypad on our office door changed this morning, early,” Hugo said.

As if on cue, Luna’s cell phone rang. Digging it out of her bag, she saw Lilly’s name on the screen. She turned it to Hugo; he waved her to hand it to him.

“Hello, darling,” he said into the phone. “Luna’s in the shower. What’s up?”

He listened, keeping his eyes on her, her hand in his.

“What? Okay, that’s weird. Oh hang on, Luna has just walked out of the shower, and wants to speak to you.”

His smile was evil as he handed the phone back to her and then whispered the words, “she’s all yours.”

Luna took a deep steadying breath before speaking.

“I know what you’ve been doing, and that you’re Simon Nick’s sister, Lilly. So here’s how it’s going to go. You have any files of mine, or anything you’ve stolen from me, back in my office and I may not prosecute. And let’s face it considering what your brother has been doing, and his activates I’m sure you don’t want anyone digging into either of you.”

Holding out the phone as Lilly started shrieking, Luna waited until she’d stopped before saying, “You’ve been warned. Leave what’s ours at the reception desk in the foyer. Then neither Hugo or I want to see you again. If, that doesn’t happen, you’ll have both the police and my lawyer calling.”

Luna cut the call as Lilly started shrieking again.

“Nice.” Hugo hugged her. “Okay, baby girl. Let’s blow this place. You keep that brave face on just long enough for us to get into your rental.”

Luna nodded. They took their luggage to reception.

“I thought you were staying longer?” Ted said, coming out from behind the desk when she arrived.

“Something’s come up, and I need to go,” Luna said, forcing a smile onto her face. Fake smiling was something she’d perfected over the years.

“Okay, well the road will be closing soon and everyone heading up for the carnival. So, you better head up and say your goodbyes. Mandy is there and all the others,” Ted added. “Make sure you come back soon.”

“I will.” She accepted his hug.

“You and Hugo have friends here now. And take it from someone who took a while to realize just how special that is. Don’t forget we’re here.”

“I won’t,” she managed to get out around the lump in her throat.

“The evil twins are in their room, just FYI.”

“Thanks, Ted. I’ve loved staying here.”