Page 10 of You're the One

Luna loved her life, but lately she’d wondered if there should be more. A special someone maybe? Most of her time was spent with Hugo and Lilly. She didn’t have other friends or a partner. But she thought now she was ready for that. Ready to make a commitment to someone.

A loud woof cut off her thoughts. She found a large black shaggy dog leaning against the side of a shop. It didn’t look ferocious, so she moved closer.

“Hello.” She dropped to her haunches to pat him. “Are you waiting for someone?”

“He’s the town’s favorite son,” a voice over her shoulder said. “His name is Buzz.”

Rising, Luna looked at the elderly man dressed in exercise clothes.

“Mr. Goldhirsh.” He held out a hand.

“Luna McKinley.” She shook it.

“Ah, you’re the girl who has the town buzzing.” He smiled. “Move with L.K. I like that initiative, young lady. Movement is important for all ages.”

“It really is,” she said.

“Do you run, Miss McKinley?”

“Luna, and yes, I do.” He had bright eyes and was moving from foot to foot as he talked to her.

“Well now, that’s good to hear. We meet on Wednesdays, so that’s tomorrow, at the Lodge gates at seven a.m. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.”


“Ryker Roadies, our running club, but tomorrow will just be two of us. No point in running alone if you can have company, I always say.”

She nodded. This was the weirdest conversation. The man didn’t even know her but had invited her running.

“What about poetry?”

“Do I write it?” Luna patted the dog’s head as he leaned on her leg.

“Write or read, dear.”

The man looked sane, his eyes were clear, but this conversation was odd, there was no getting around that.

“Not really. I do some blogging.”

“That could work. Meeting is Sunday at my place. I’ll be in touch with the details. You have a good day now, and I’ll see you at Tea Total later.”

He raised a hand and then he was off, jogging down the street in long, easy strides.

“What just happened, Buzz? And why am I going to Tea Total?”

The dog made a low rumbling noise in his throat, but as she didn’t speak dog, she had no clue what he wanted.


“Charlie!” Luna squealed, and seconds later she was running up the street with Buzz bounding at her side. Her friend’s long legs carried her to Luna, and in seconds they were hugging.

“I can’t believe you’re here!” Charlie cried.

“I know, it’s been months since we saw each other.”

Charlie eased back and held Luna’s shoulders. “What?”
