Page 68 of Raging Tempest


Every one of Seraphina’snerves stood on end during the House of Oolun event. Increased security didn’t seem to bother anyone else here though. They took the extensive protection in stride. She sat at her table, partly paying attention to the two men and their flirtatious conversation.

She eyed the Ambassador for the House of Oolun. His skin was a darker shade of green, his braids cut short to above his ears. The jacket he wore strained his midsection and she worried he’d pop a button. After receiving a round of applause for his approval of a new motorized walkway in the city, he signaled his son, Jarad, to speak.

Jarad with his faux laugh, benevolent expression and false promises. She locked her legs in position to keep from jumping up and slicing his throat. She’d be taken down immediately if she took a single step in his direction.

There was security everywhere. Her heart sped up at the sight of Rook. It was easy to spot him on the outskirts of the room. Being near him had initially frightened her as she waited to be recognized. It didn’t matter that her morph was flawless. It didn’t matter that few beyond her family had ever been able to tell when she changed. She’d worried each time Rook’s gaze passed over her.

He cut a stern figure in the uniform with no details or insignia to designate his affiliation. The black jumper fit his frame to perfection. She knew that body, every muscle, peak and valley. Had touched and kissed every inch of it as well.

None of that mattered though. Her heart twinged at not being able to approach or speak to him. He was on guard waiting for her to make a move. Three other men in similar black uniforms kept watch throughout the large room. All heavily armed.

Their harsh faces were etched in stone as they watched each guest closely but only Rook held her attention for longer than a few seconds. She thought she was prepared to see him but knowing her reason for being here was completely at odds with his mission made her extra cautious.

Patience. Patience was the key to her plan. She stayed until the end without attracting any undue attention aside for one moment when Jarad’s uncle, Fyin, bumped into her chair. Gazes swung in their direction, including Rook’s and his team. She held her breath but other than a frown, he looked right over her.

Breath eased out on a sigh. When it was time to leave, she strolled out calmly, her heart pounding with each step. In the hall, she hid behind a column, morphed and continued walking. She knew where she was going. Hacking Jarad’s comp had been a breeze and she knew he intended to work in his office tonight.

As she hid in an empty cleansing room, she waited for the distraction she’d paid for to start. It was the only way she’d get anywhere near Jarad’s heavily guarded office. The last thing she wanted was another confrontation with Rook. She didn’t think he’d let her go so easily the second time.

Right on schedule, the explosions outside sounded. She’d paid a load of credits to have the rockers distributed. The booms were louder than she’d expected. Wincing, she waited then stepped into the hall and made her way to Jarad’s office. A few household staff spotted her and nodded deferentially.

She blew out a relieved breath. Her practice of Jarad’s mannerisms and facial expressions passed the first test.

Smirk in place, she sneered and sauntered chin up toward her destination. As expected, the door to Jarad’s office remained closed. He was too egotistical to bother with leaving his office to check on the disturbance. He depended on others to notify him if he needed to be bothered.

Which worked well with her plan.

She reached the door and pulled at the latch. It twisted easily in her hand. She rolled her eyes at his lack of preservation. Steps clang down the hall behind her. She spun to run but it was too late.

Catching her eye, Rook and the three men with him charged toward her. Thinking fast, she ran a hand through her braids and gasped, “You’re still here. I’m so glad. What’s going on?”

A muscle in Rook’s jaw clenched and his voice bit like a slice of steel. “Stay calm. We’ll find out.”

Four more guards came running toward them. Fear shot through her as they held their weapons out and she thought her cover had been blown. The guard in charge didn’t even look at her and spoke directly to Rook. “Bombs, out front on the street and at the building next door.”

Sirens wailed in the distance. Rook jerked around. She didn’t know what he searched for and did her best to calm her racing pulse. When he faced the guard again, he snapped, “Stay inside and make sure no one enters this floor.”

The fierce way he spoke was nothing like their interactions even during the first time they’d confronted one another. It was hard facing this side of him. The soldier and not the lover. Shaking, she asked in Jarad’s voice. “What should I do?”

“Go back in your office. Don’t come out until we’ve checked on the disturbance,” Rook instructed.

Relieved that her morph hadn’t been discovered, she grabbed his hand and clasped it tightly. “Thank you.”

She rushed inside the office and closed the door, flicking the lock with an air of finality. Gazing around, she saw Jarad sitting at his desk with his head bent over his comp unit. Without looking up to see who approached, he snapped, “Did anyone find out what all that noise was?”

Dropping the morph to take on a face familiar and beloved, she moved across the room toward him on silent feet. She stopped and braced her weight. With deliberate care, she withdrew the laser she’d smuggled beyond the scanners and aimed. “It was death calling.”

His head jerked up and he gasped, lunging to his feet. Anger twisted his features. “Who are you and what are you doing in here?”

Pain struck. Not recognizing her in this morph was an insult. “I’m here to make you pay for what you’ve done.”

He threw back his head and laughed. “You’ll have to be more specific. I’ve done so many things.”

How dare he find humor in this? She gritted her teeth and forced herself to remain calm. This could only end one way. “I’m glad you mentioned that.”
