The door swung open to reveal Asher wearing only a pair of boxer briefs.

“Well, little sister, isn’t this a pleasant surprise.”

Keeping my gaze focused on his chest upwards, I pushed past him into the room. Taking a seat at the small two-person table next to the window I waited for him to close the door and join me. “I need your help.”

“What can I do to help you? Need someone killed?” He chuckled as he closed the door and made his way across the room to join me.

“No, I don’t need someone killed. I appreciate the offer though.”

He grinned. Sitting down across from me he, clucked his tongue off the roof of his mouth as he stared at me. “So, what’s the big problem?”

“I feel like an idiot even admitting what it is.”

“Can’t help you if I don’t know what the issue is.”

“Do you promise this won’t go beyond the two of us?” If anyone could keep a secret it was the man sitting before me, but I still needed to hear him say it.

He made a crossing motion over his chest. “Cross my heart and hope to die. This won’t go past the two of us.”

Taking a deep breath in, I released it with a loud huff. “When I was trying to join the sorority, there was a hazing week.”

“Yes, go on.”

“Well, my task was to sleep with someone and take a picture to prove that it happened.”

“Ohh, naughty girl. Little sister has been busy,” Giving me a wink he asked, “Is there a porno picture of you out there?”

Ohmygod, Asher was such a pig. Of course, it would just be a joke to him, it wasn’t his life on the line. “No, but they wanted a picture of me and the guy in bed, no nudity though. But the person was Zack, and if that picture gets out then it could really hurt his career.”

“So, you want me to kill the people who have the pictures.”

Crinkling my nose up at him, I shook my head. “No! I don’t want you killing anyone. I just need you to ensure that there are no copies of the pictures and that they never say a word about it.”

He rubbed his chin and sighed. “Okay, I’ll do this for you, but there’s something I need from you in return.”

“Nothing is free when it comes to dealing with the Horsemen.”

“You know it baby.”

“What do you want?” I couldn’t even imagine what sort of crazy request he’d ask of me, but whatever it took to ensure Zack’s career went untarnished because of my stupid decision would be worth it.

“You’re friends with my sister, Valentina, are you not?”

My mind raced back several years, the last time I’d seen his sister. “I used to be, it’s been many years now though.”

“The long and short of it is that she hates me.”


“That’s not really important. I want you to rekindle your friendship with her and plead my case to her. I’ll send you her contact information. It’s bothering my mother that we don’t get along and so I’d like to fix that, having someone be my champion, someone she trusts might help me achieve a truce with her.”

That seemed – fair.

“Okay.” I leaned over the table and extended my hand to him. “You’ve got yourself a deal. But no one dies, are we clear?”

“There are many ways beyond killing someone to get an objective achieved, so I’ll give you my word. No one dies.”

“Good.” Standing, I began to make my way to the door when Asher’s voice stopped me.

“Does the Professor know of your little hazing prank?”

Turning back to him, I shook my head brushing a stray lock of hair from my face. “No, I’m going to tell him once he comes back from his walk to clear his head.”

“Want some advice?”

Not from him, but I didn’t want to be rude to the person who was going to fix my problem, so I smiled and nodded. “Sure, what’s the advice?”

“He’s got a lot on his plate right now. A lot of things for him to wrap his mind around. It’s not every day you find out your girlfriend is the daughter of a mob boss. When it comes to this whole picture stuff, what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

For a moment it almost felt like he had a heart. But then I looked into his eyes; his dark, cold eyes and was reminded that the Horsemen didn’t have hearts.