Chapter 4


I woke up the next morning with a huge grin on my face. That was so much better than sex with Antonio. But with Antonio, it was mostly quickies in the backseat of the limo or town car and more out of rebellion than because I was all that into it. Not exactly the best place to be exploring another person’s body and getting the most out of the experience.

I still had the guilt of what happened to him hanging over my head. It taught me a hard lesson, don’t put anything past my family or what they were capable of. Luckily, Zack wouldn’t have to worry about having the same fate as my former lover.

The bed was so large and comfy. I could have stayed in it all day and just lounged; it sure beat the hard single bed in the dorms. But I couldn’t. This was supposed to be a quick wham-bam thank you Zack whatever your last name is to guarantee my entry.

My head was on his chest, our limbs entwined as I opened my eyes and realized that I may be in a bit of a situation. How was I supposed to get out of his embrace and then back into bed to snap a picture of us without waking him?

Well, shit.

With a lot of patience, careful movements, and lots of luck, I supposed.

Slowly, I began to inch my way away from his body. Slowly, carefully, freezing in the spot each time that he stirred. It must have taken ten minutes or more, but eventually, I was able to squirm from the bed.

Where was my purse? Running a hand through my long, dark locks, I gave it some thought. In the living room, I’d hung it up as I entered the apartment. The carpet cushioned me as I moved my naked body across the room and into the living room, finding my purse and retrieving my phone from inside. I gathered my clothing as I made my way back to the bedroom.

Heat seared my cheeks as I thought about last night. I couldn’t believe how wild he was, or how wanton my body could be for someone. I’d been putty in his hands and as I entered the bedroom and gazed upon his naked body, with a white sheet draped over his mid-section, my pussy began to clench. I wanted nothing more than to wake him up and have another round with him, he was like an addiction. But I couldn’t.

Then it hit me, a surge of guilt and remorse.

I’d lied through my teeth to him. Okay, maybe not though my teeth, we didn’t do much talking at all, but it hadn’t been a chance encounter. He’d been chosen in a childish hazing that I was ashamed to take part in but needed to see through.

No matter which way I spun it, I felt like a royal piece of shit because of it.

I’d used him and that wasn’t right. But it was too late now to turn back the clock. I leaned over him and framed us, ensuring I didn’t get a rogue nip in the picture I was taking before approving the photo to be sent. There wasn’t anything inappropriate about the picture. If they wanted something more than a picture of us together with me looking like I’d been fucked senseless then they could all go fuck themselves, this was all they were getting.

“I’m sorry,” I muttered softly meaning every word of it, as I leaned over him and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. He stirred and my heart skipped a beat. Shit. That had been stupid and rebellious. Talk about pushing my luck. It was too bad that things couldn’t have been different, he was someone I’d have liked to get to know. But after the lies I told, I doubted he’d ever want to speak to me again. Not to mention the fact I’d used him to get into a sorority, how childish was that anyhow? Besides, I was nothing more than a booty call anyhow, probably one of many he’d had throughout his life. I’d be kidding myself to think any differently.

Pulling my clothing on as quickly and quietly as possible, I made my way through the apartment towards the exit. Taking one last look over my shoulder and into the apartment I sighed and with a heavy heart, exited, locking the door behind me before closing it.

Luckily enough, his place wasn’t too far from campus so it would take no time to get back to the dorms. If I hustled, I could get there by foot. I knew without even thinking about it that my father would lose his mind if he knew I was living in a sorority house, so I was thankful that at this particular college first-year students weren’t allowed to live in the house. The open-door policy would not fly with my father. The dorms where I was living on the other hand, had excellent security.

Placing my heels into my handbag, I burst out the front doors of his apartment building and into the surprisingly warm morning air. Taking a deep breath in, I smiled wide still not believing fully that my life was now my own. Checking out the Uber app on my phone, I eyeballed the route back to the dorms. It would take an Uber fifteen minutes to get here. I could walk that distance in not much more than that and considering how scantily dressed I was, I preferred not to be standing on the corner. With my plan decided, I began to walk barefoot the mile or so it would take to get to the dorms, not allowing myself to think of how gross the sidewalks were.

As I drew closer to the dorms, I didn’t miss the fact that there were a lot of people staring at me as I walked past. Some females, but mostly the guys. I cringed a little when a group of guys wolf-whistled at me, warmth coloring my cheeks. I’d never been wolf-whistled at before, Papa would cut off the lips of any man who would have dared try it back home, so this was a new experience for me.

I couldn’t help but look over my shoulders from time to time. I wasn’t able to shake the feeling of being watched. Quite frankly it wouldn’t surprise me if Papa had someone scouting the area ensuring that I wasn’t up to no good. He promised me no guards, but I really didn’t believe him.

Boy, if that were the case, he would be pissed when he got the report on what I’d done last night. But we’d made an agreement, as long as I didn’t ask for his assistance he wouldn’t interfere, and I’d be able to live my life and that included sleeping with whoever I wanted to sleep with. And with my little deal with Isaac in play, I wouldn’t need his assistance.

But I still wouldn’t put it past him to put someone on guard. If I discovered he was having me watched I’d – well, I’m not sure what I’d do, but I sure as hell wouldn’t be happy about it and he’d certainly get an earful at the very least.

“Ouch!” I picked my foot off the ground quickly, hobbled over to the nearest bench and sat down. Bringing my foot to eye level, I immediately saw the source of the pain, a shard of green glass was wedged into the ball of my foot. Of course, there would be broken beer bottles, this was a college, the weekend before classes began. Tomorrow classes began and I’d officially start my college career.

“I’ll probably get tetanus from this,” I muttered under my breath as I gingerly grabbed the tiny bit of glass that was protruding from my foot and gently pulled it out. Grimacing, I tossed it to the ground behind the bench and reached into my purse for a tissue to dab away the bit of blood that was seeping out.

With a sigh, I put my shoes back on. The dorm was within sight. Maybe another five to ten-minute walk and I’d be there so I could endure the hellish shoes for a little while. When I stood up this time, the was an additional pain from the wound as my heels forced all of my weight to the balls of my feet. But at least I’d get there without cutting myself again.

“Could you use a piggy-back ride?”

I yelped as I turned and looked at the man approaching me down the sidewalk. “Excuse me?”

“I noticed you were wincing. And was offering you a ride.”

My eyes narrowed at him not sure if I should trust him or not. “Do I know you?” This time I gave him a thorough look up and down. He looked innocent enough, kind of like a boy scout with his short-cut red hair and green eyes and freckles. At least what boy scouts were portrayed to look like on American television – right down to the beige khaki pants and green button-down shirt.