Page 73 of Unbroken 2

“Do what?” he whispered.

“Make me forget it all.”

He smiled. “Same way you do, Skye.”

He set me back down on the ground, and I stood there for a minute longer, trying to remember what I was so pissed off about.

Weren’t we fighting?

Was everything suddenly okay?

“Come,” he said next, wrapping his warm hand around mine. “Let’s go for a ride.”

I dug my feet into the ground. “I hate that bike, Hunt.”

He laughed. “You don’t.”

“I really do.”

He urged me along. “You’re safe with me.”

I was.

We walked all the way back to the bike, and I let him guide me over it. When he climbed over next, I wrapped my arms around him like it was second nature.

Coming closer, I pressed my front to his back and ran my nose along his shirt, basking in his scent. He took a moment, twisting his head to the side as though he was about to look at me but didn’t. He breathed quietly, like he too was savouring this before saying, “This feels right, doesn’t it?”

I swallowed a strange lump in my throat, saying nothing.

He started the bike, and we took off down the street, me clenching my eyes shut. I squeezed him like a snake as his body rumbled with laughter.

After a while, I managed to open my eyes and look around. He was taking it easy on me, going at a pace I knew was probably too slow.

“Comfortable?” he yelled back at me.

I nodded. I was very comfortable.

In fact, as I sat there, holding him, growing bold enough to look around, I felt…happy.

No, more than happy.

I felt…like this was how it was supposed to be with Hunter.

After some time, he revved the bike and sped intermittently and I screamed, my adrenaline spiking as I dug my nails into his chest.

I wouldn’t admit to him I enjoyed this.

Let him sweat a little, I thought.

But—I nodded to myself as I knocked my head back and stared at the dizzying black night—yeah, yeah, I could see myself doing this more.