Work was work. Like I expected, it was no different to the marina, but it was more personable because I was sharing space with members I was around all the fucking time, and that just…it just sucked.
Because to the club, I was like an ice cube that wouldn’t melt. After so long trying to please everyone and still feeling that outsider-feeling, I found myself officially giving up.
All fucks went out the window. I stopped smiling like a people-pleasing moron as they eyed me like I didn’t belong. I stopped laughing at every joke like a try-hard, even when they were funny. I didn’t even ask how the patrons’ nights were going during my night shifts at the pub. Because it never got me a single step closer to being part of the gang.
So, what-the-fuck ever, my shits had expired, and I was a bit of a Sour Sally. This was just the natural way of things, I reasoned to myself. One could not behave the same way and expect different results.
Within days, everyone sensed the shift in me. I wasn’t even apologetic about it. As far as I was concerned, I was putting up with their stubborn asses because Hunter fucked me to Heaven (or Hell, depending on how you viewed the savage way he took me) every night.
“Finally, the charade is over,” Faden said, loud enough for everyone to hear as he peered at my sour face. I was standing next to him, taking his order. The old man always pretended to think about what he wanted, but he never ordered food. It was always beer, beer, more beer.
“Charade?” I snipped back, arching a brow.
“Yeah, the sweetheart charade.”
I shrugged, defeatedly. “What have I done, Faden?”
“You’re impatient I’m taking so long.”
“Because you’re determined to pretend you’re going to order something other than beer,” I quipped back, unapologetically. “And as far as I’m concerned, your body is more beer than blood. So how about stop wasting my time and just get your damn beer so I can serve everyone else?”
I expected a slew of curse words, but Faden just laughed, his white head bobbing in a nod, and then everyone was laughing. Jesse came out of nowhere and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, proclaiming, “We’ve broken her!”
I gaped at everyone’s delight as they gave me shit in good spirit.
This was like Miles testing Hunter, wasn’t it?
These sadists had been pushing me, waiting for me to snap.
I shrugged Jesse’s arm off me, and then I pushed his shoulder and stormed out of there as their laughter shook up the whole bar.
I wouldn’t let them see the way my lips flinched up, the faint smile curling my mouth as I hid inside the kitchen and laughed, too.
The anti-Skye brigade had disbanded.
They were ready to welcome me in.
When I returned to work, I had an oomph in my step, like I’d shed a weight I didn’t know I was carrying. I worked well past closing time, keeping busy because I knew Hunter was due to arrive, but he was late.
“You don’t mind getting your hands dirty,” said a voice.
I startled, spinning around to watch as Roy took a seat around the bar, smiling at me. “Sorry,” he apologized. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
I huffed out a breath. “That’s okay. I was in my own head. Did you want a drink?”
He shook his head. “Nah, just about to call it a night before I swung by Kayla's.”
On cue, a few of the men came into view, leaving. I waved goodbye to Jesse who winked at me and strode out. Seeing Jesse’s familiar face put a stupid grin on mine. The guy was infectious.
I returned my focus on Roy. “I’m not far behind you.”
“You’re waiting on Hunt, aren’t you?” he asked, knowingly.
I smiled, sheepishly. “Is it that obvious?”