Page 1 of Unbroken 2



I was about to step into official Warlord territory, unsure of what I’d find.

This was it.

I would wade into what would become my life for half the year to come.

I let out a shaky breath, trying to squash down the words whispered through town about the Warlords.



Violent beasts of the night.

I peeked at Hunter.


The half of my everything.

Squeezing his hand, he squeezed mine in response, and then I took my first step.

The room was huge and modern. There was a bar area and a kitchenette on one side, and an entertainment room on the other. Among the black leather couches, squared high tables and stools were placed, the wood polishing on the top of the tables worn from overuse. A giant television was situated in the centre of the room, and there was currently a movie playing on mute.

A half dozen bikers were lounging about, talking, playing cards with beers at their sides. A few women roamed about, dressed to the nines in tight jeans and pretty blouses. With trays in their hands, they served a few men hot plates of food and drinks. I smelled sausages and hot chips and a delicious seasoning that made my stomach growl, reminding me that it was lunch time, and I hadn’t even had breakfast in my excitement to see Hunt.

Still carrying my heavy suitcase in one arm, Hunter shouted, “Coming through!”

Several heads turned in our direction, and I practically hid behind Hunter as they immediately took notice of me.

“Has it fucking happened then?” I heard a voice say. “You’ve finally brought her home, Hunt?”

My face heated as laughs rumbled out of a few throats, and then a female remarked, “Introduce us, Sav.”

Hunter placed the suitcase on the ground and tightened his hand around mine. He dropped his face to my ear, quickly murmuring, “It’s okay, Nugget. Don’t be nervous, alright?”

I nodded as he led me to them. Meeting people like this was always sensory overload. I never tried to act shy when it came to introductions, but it was hard to look straight into countless eyes as strangers learned my name. It was a weakness I had, one I tried to overcome while working at the marina. But the customers at the marina were either regulars who didn’t give a shit to learn my name, or sailors passing through and wanting a bite to eat who, once again, didn’t give a shit to learn my name. And even if they did know me, it was only because they’d heard from the rumour mill what a slut I was.Good times…

Everyone was pleasant as Hunter introduced me to names I was already forgetting in the heat of the moment. I smiled widely, trying to hide my nerves, telling them, “It’s nice to meet you.”

“She’s been expected for a while now,” a familiar voice remarked. I turned my head to one of the tables, catching Ray’s friendly face staring back at me. I think he sensed my unease because he said, “Get her settled in, Sav, and have her come out here to spend time with everyone when she’s ready.” Softening his eyes, he added, “Welcome to the Warlords, sweetheart.”

I should have felt warmed by his welcoming words, but I was too wary.

Hunter picked my suitcase back up and led me out of the room and down a long hallway filled with doors. A few were wide open, revealing bedrooms and bathrooms. I was surprised by how modern it all was; the furnishing, the carpet beneath my feet, the warm paint on the walls—it was extremely taken care of and cosy.

“We’re at the end,” Hunt told me, his hand squeezing tighter around mine now. I sensed his sudden nerves as he opened the door at the end of the hallway and took me in.

His bedroom was huge, but barren. There was a big rustic bed in the centre and a couple tallboys against the opposite wall. There was another door that was open, revealing a large bathroom. The bedroom did have a window, and I walked to it, peering out into the backstreets. I felt Hunter’s eyes on me as I pulled the blinds completely open to let the light in.

“It’s not much of a view,” he said quickly. “But I can take you out, Skye, whenever you want, and we can go to the beach.”

I turned around to look at him, brows coming together at his strange tone. He was definitely nervous. His body was still as he towered over me, not meeting my eye. “What’s the matter with you?” I asked him, lightly. “You look like you’re about to shit yourself.”

He forced a smile. “I know this isn’t much…”