I felt a pain in my chest that made breathing hurt worse than when that man’s hands were wrapped tightly around my throat.
But the answer came out of my mouth anyway, barely above a whisper. “Yes.”
“Then the club will do everything in our power to protect you,” Miles answered swiftly, sounding satisfied by my response. “You’re one of ours.”
Accompanying the pain was warmth flooding my chest. I stiffened a nod, holding back my emotion as I turned and opened the car door. I stepped out and Miles followed closely behind me. The streets were still, not a car in sight. The wind was gentle, the scent of rain hung in the air as I felt drops splatter here and there along my arm and face.
I looked at Miles as he ducked his head back into the car, telling Faden, “I’ll only be a few minutes. I’m going to let everyone know what’s happening, and then I’m going to drop Skye off in Hunter’s room.”
“Be quick about it,” Faden growled from the front seat. “And keep an eye out. Tell whoever’s in the surveillance room to be diligent—”
The window blew apart, his words cut off as a loud gunshot tore through the air. “Faden!” Miles shouted, jumping back as a series of more shots rang out, hitting the car and flying over us. One second I was standing there, the next I was thrown to the ground by Miles as gunfire rained over us. He dropped down to the ground, ordering me to, “Stay down!”
My belly was flat against the ground, my arms were wrapped around my head as the shots continued. The car shuddered above us with each hit. I wanted to look back at Miles, but his knee was suddenly pressed against my back, forcing me down. I could feel the cry leaving my lips, but I couldn’t hear it. The world fell away and it was just me flat against the ground, the smell of gas in my nose, the feel of tiny pebbles pressing against my cheek.
The shots stopped suddenly, but my ears were ringing badly. I felt disconnected, my face scratching along the asphalt as I tried once more to twist around. Miles' front dropped to mine. His chest pressed against my back as his mouth brushed along my ear. “Stay still,” he whispered. “Don’t talk. Let them think you’ve been shot.”
Trembling, I forced a nod. He didn’t get off me. He kept me covered by him as he rummaged in his clothing. I held my breath, straining to listen, but it was quiet—
Until I heard it.
Deep, agonizing groans coming from the car.
My heart sped as I realized Faden was still in there, that he was shot and hurt. If Miles heard him, he didn’t make a move to help. He remained on me as he pulled something out of his jacket. I felt the cold metal along my arm as he finally slid off me, gripping the gun tightly. His free hand grabbed at my arm, and he squeezed me once, prompting me to turn to look at him. He was upright, his side pressed against the car, the gun held high. His eyes met mine as Faden’s groans continued to carry on. He gestured to the clubhouse, whispering, “When I say run…”
I nodded, adrenaline suddenly surging through my veins now as I stared at him intently, waiting for his direction. He inched higher, glancing fleetingly through the busted windows of the car, staring all around us. His face was tight, his lips clenched as he growled, “Fade…we need you, brother.”
Faden’s groans stopped for a few moments. “That’s it then, hey?” he forced out, sounding weak.
Miles' body went tight as he stiffened out, “That’s it, brother.”
“Huh.” Faden went quiet, and I thought maybe that was it, he had died right there and then. A lighter flickered on, cigarette smoke wafted to us, and then a laugh sounded out, mixed with a tormented cry. “I’m dyin’ anyway…Might as well choose my out, huh?” His pants came out faster. “I’ll fire my gun…Get the girl safe…”
“I will.”
“Be seeing you, Miles…”
Miles shut his eyes briefly, his chest going still. “Be seeing you…”
A second later, the horn blared from the car, carrying on and on, interrupted only by the sound of Faden’s firearm going off inside the car.
“Run!” Miles yelled at me as he twisted around and fired from his gun. Immediately, gunfire tore the car apart, whipping over us. Frozen, I felt my blood pumping, felt the air get held in my lungs as I realized with horror that I was in too much shock to move.
“Skye!” he growled, angrily. “RUN!”
I crawled instead as my teeth chattered, and then I stopped again, finding myself unable to continue. What the fuck was wrong with me? I looked over at Miles, tears filling my eyes as I saw him inch to the front of the car, like he knew what direction the gunfire was coming from. The horn cut off abruptly, the death of Faden abrupt and agonizing.
How could I leave them?
How could I leave Miles? He was going to die, too, and I wasn’t worth it.
But if I made it to the clubhouse, it would give him a chance to follow. We could be safe.
I held in the sickening urge to vomit as I forced myself to look toward the pub. I began to crawl toward it, too terrified to stand for fear of getting shot.
I barely covered a few feet when aBOOMwent off, shattering the pub’s windows, sending them flying into the parking lot. A blast of air and heat ripped through my body, knocking me back. I landed on my side, my head bashing against the ground with an earthshattering tremble.
Everything went black after that.