Page 30 of Unbroken 2

He watched me for a moment. “You love that boy. I see it.”

I nodded. “I love him.”

Now he appeared thoughtful. “More than that Itani boy?”

I purposely didn’t tense. I continued wiping down the counter, appearing light-hearted. “I love them the same.”

He made a curious sound. “How does that work?”

I shrugged weakly. “I wish I knew.”

“But your heart…it feels full for the both of them?”

I nodded, swallowing hard because these talks never ended well. “Yes.”

He settled his elbows on the bar, considering my response. “I loved a couple women in my life. At different times, though, but…I guess I can see myself having loved them both the same.”

Now I looked up. “You still love them?”

He nodded, running a hand through his beard now. “Oh, of course. Do you ever stop loving somebody? Not exactly a switch a man can turn off for such a thing.” He laughed lightly, shrugging. “I guess it’s not so crazy, after all.”

Still feeling cautious, I nodded. “I agree.”

Now his smile faded. “You’re in a bit of a pickle, sweetheart, loving two men who aren’t exactly on the same side.”

I stopped moving now and looked back at him, listening intently because he didn’t look like he was done talking.

“I think you’re a wonderful girl,” he continued, and his eyes gentled. “We’ve done a decent job of welcoming you in, wouldn’t you say?”


“Do you feel part of the family?”

I nodded, heart jumping at the wordfamily. “I do.”

He looked happy about that. “I’m glad because…we love Hunt. We want the best for him, and we try not to stick our noses in his business, or anyone’s business for that matter. It’s just…this situation is one of a kind, isn’t it? So, we’re treading carefully. That’s not to say we don’t trust you.”

I searched his eyes now, understanding his words. “But you don’t trust me, do you?”

He hummed in thought. “Well, I think you’re quite transparent, and your intentions are pure, but…there is always that niggling doubt, and it’s not to do with you, Skye. It’s more, like I said, such a situation always warrants a flicker of doubt.”

I hid my disappointment. “Yeah.”

At least he was being honest, even if it sucked to hear. I totally understood his side of it and would probably feel the same way.

“Why am I here then?” I wondered just then, unable to hold back. Why had they allowed me in so far while a shred of doubt hung over them?

“Because it’s highly unlikely you’re faking it with Hunt,” Roy answered. “You love him. We can all attest to that. Also, just because this is our clubhouse, it doesn’t mean it’s our only safe place. This is where we come together, but we don’t put all our eggs in one basket.” He lowered his voice now to add, “You keep him grounded, Skye. Ever since he was just a boy. I…I’ve seen how broken he is. His soul is like a rock someone’s smashed to pieces, and you…you keep those pieces together when you’re around him. Of course it helps his old man ain’t around anymore. I made sure of that once upon a time.”

My lips fell open as I stared back at him in shock, fighting back emotion. “You knew his father?”

“Knew him?” He let out a hard laugh. “Cunt was mybrother.” He shook his head, looking bitter now as I fought to hide my shock. “You know, sometimes I’d go around there, and Hunter was—poof—gone. I always wondered where he was hiding when he was hurt.” His smile was soft as he peered at me. “You’re here because, on a deeper level, wedotrust you.”

I frowned. “Miles doesn’t.”

“Fuck Miles. He’s got issues.”

“Like what?”