Page 122 of Unbroken

I felt his breaths on my face. I knew he was watching me closely, and I…I didn’t have the bravery to look back at him, but I wanted to. I imagined what it would be like to look him in the eyes as he felt me.

Hunter’s nature was so harsh, I knew his touch would be rough, merciless. There would be no gentleness there.

Still sitting in his lap, I felt him hardening. I almost wanted to adjust myself so that I was sitting directly over his cock—and I wondered, not for the first time, how his cock looked when it was hard.

I wanted him to keep going, and when he scooped another handful of water, I could have cried from happiness. He didn’t pour it over my head this time. I felt the wet coolness on my legs, felt him stroking my leg, sliding the water up my skin, coating every inch of me—

He stopped at my inner thighs, his breath picking up now as the heat of his stare penetrated me. My heart pounded, sparks burst between my legs, and I felt…empty, pained…yearning. His movements slowed as he ran his palm beneath the flap of my shorts, his giant hand stopping there—right fucking there at my pussy. He could have stroked his finger along my underwear, could have felt how wet I was. One touch—one fucking touch and I might have come, but…he didn’t. I nearly groaned from the pain of it.

I finally opened my eyes.

We stared at each other, but it felt…different, heavy. I felt his throbbing cock along my back. He wanted me. I saw the need in his gaze. I almost wanted to break contact from how intense it felt. Like confronting years’ worth of restrained need. My pussy throbbed…Empty, so empty.

He let out a long sigh, and then he said, in an almost inaudible whisper, “I want to talk to you later. Just you and me.”

“Okay,” I forced out, but I sounded breathless “Everything alright?”

He took a moment to respond. “Yes, and no.”

I studied him. “That’s really vague.”

He wouldn’t look me in the eye now, and the moment was over. He removed his hand from my shorts, creating distance now. I sat up straight as his fingers tugged at my braid, his gaze stuck there. “I’m not trying to be ominous. I just…I need to talk to you.”

I nodded vaguely. “Of course. We’ll talk, Hunt.”

Now he looked at me. “Promise me.”

“I promise.”

He stared at me for a long moment, his gaze drifting briefly to my lips before he swallowed and looked away. “Let’s try getting back.”

He helped me back to the other side of the canoe and I sat there, watching him, trying to read his mood. He smiled at me, but I felt it didn’t reach his eyes.

I was uncomfortable now, mad with lust.

What just happened?

Why did he stop?


Before we dug into the drinking, we swam, trying to fight the heat of summer pounding down on us. I hadn’t known to pack a swimsuit, so I wound up wading around in just my PJ shorts and my least favourite bra. Leo was quick to drop his clothes—his abs clenching with every movement—and follow after me in just his briefs, while Hunter simply took his shirt off and sat on a chair, feet dipped in the water, nursing a cigarette or two.

I would be lying if I said I didn’t loathe his new smoking habits, but fuck, he made it look good.

I screamed, half in laughter, half in fear when Leo lunged at me from under the water, pulling me under with him. It was like that for a while, him chasing me, me trying to outrun him, but Leo was strong, his stamina a challenge to fight against.

His arms would come around me, sometimes he’d just hold me there, my back to his front, his hands wrapped around mine possessively. His head would fall between my neck and shoulder, he’d breathe hard for several moments, and then he’d say, “You like that, Skye?”

I didn’t know what he meant.

Did I like what exactly?

The chase?

Him catching me?

Or him holding me to his hard chest, his hands clasped hard around mine as his lips brushed along my sensitive skin.