Page 119 of Unbroken

“Are you sure?” I hesitated, eyeing the mess.

Leo helped me up, swatting my ass once. “Go, woman.”

“You keep using that word. Woman.”

He made a grunt at the back of his throat, looking me over inch by inch. “Because, Skye, you areallwoman now.”

I smiled stupidly at him, glancing briefly at Hunter, who was picking at the crumbs on his plate with his forefinger, not looking back.

Leaving them, I climbed up the stairs to the upper level. There was another sitting room, and a giant master bedroom right over the main room, also boasting the same view of the lake and mountain. I couldn’t see it in the dark. It was eerie to look out a window and see nothing but pitch black, but come morning, when the sun kissed the sky, I was sure the view would be mesmerizing.

I found the bathroom, huge and opulent, tiles and shower wall made of cool stone. I washed up quickly, eyeing myself in the mirror. I was flushed and sweaty, my eyes tired but bright from happiness.Eighteen.I was officially an adult. People usually said they didn’t feel any different, but…I did. The number meant something to me. It meant I could start my life separate from all I’d known. From Kurt, and Mom. From the shitholes at school. I no longer had to answer to anyone—not that I ever did per say, but it felt different when you didn’t owe a single person an explanation.

Ipulled out my ponytail and ran my fingers through my thick light hair, splaying it over my shoulders. I was trying to look my best, even though the guys knew me well at my worst. Then I went back downstairs, steps slowing because the lights were completely out.

“Guys?” I called out, a shooting feeling of alarm running through me. Hand still tight on the banister, I heard shuffling movements. Felt a body by my side tugging at my hand. I smelled Leo’s familiar scent as he led me back to the dining room, sitting me back down on the chair.

My heart raced because I had a feeling what was coming.

Suddenly, the flicker of a candle came to life, and paving a path through the darkness was Hunter, holding a lit cake in his hands.

Then they sang.

They sang me Happy Birthday as I sat there, hands clasped tightly together, mouth so wide, my cheeks hurt from smiling. My eyes were glassy, but I laughed as their terrible singing voices continued. Hunter placed the cake down before me, his hypnotic eyes bright from the candlelight reflecting off them.

When I tore my gaze away and stared at the cake, a shocked breath escaped me. It was made to look like a dandelion, bright yellow, the HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FLOWER in pink along one of the petals.

“Because you’re our flower,” Hunter whispered as they finished the song, peering at me intently. “A flower that will never stop blooming, Skye. Plucked by us, but never ruined.”

“You’ve been the light of our lives,” Leo said just then, sliding a small, neatly wrapped present in front of me. “There’s never been anyone like you, Skye.”

Tears fell from my eyes, but I didn’t bother wiping them away. My smile was weak, my heart strangely hurting.

I grabbed each of their hands, holding on tight as they sat back down on either side of me. Unable to speak, I leaned over and blew out the single candle of the cake. Submerged in darkness, we sat there for a few moments, breaths heavy, taking it in—all of it,all of us, right here and now.

Leo was the first to get up to switch the light back on. Dim light poured over us. My eyes were directly on Hunter, searching his brown eyes, heart tight when they stared back at mine before he looked away.

Always—alwaysHunter looked away first.

Leo came at my back, his hands resting on my shoulders, squeezing the muscles loose. “Open your present, beauty.”

I took the small present he’d slid before me and carefully tore it open. Hunter leaned to the other side of the table, grabbing at what looked like a present of his own, his face unreadable.

I tore the beautiful wrapping away, biting my lip at the jewellery box between my fingers.

“Seriously?” I asked Leo as he bent over by my side. “Do I want to even open this thing, Leo?”

“Yes,” he said quietly.

When I did, I felt my lips spread wide again. “I can’t believe you did this…”

He pulled out the diamond stud earrings. “Push your hair aside. Let me put them on.”

I tied my hair back up in a ponytail and went still as he poked them through on either side. I glanced at Hunter, still unreadable, now holding his present in his hands.

“How do they look?” I asked him.

He smiled gently at me. “Like they belong on you.”