“So, what’s the problem?”

“The problem is we’re not doing this while you’re drunk. Especially not when you’re drunk and I’m stone cold sober.”

“So what?”

“So, I...”

“No lies, Lombardi.”

“I’m not doing anything that even has the potential to have you looking at me badly in the morning. We do this now and I would have to apologise, Piper. No matter what our rules are.”

Even drunk, I heard something in his voice that made me pause. For whatever reason, something was important to him. I pulled away and nodded.

“Okay, Roman.”

He sighed heavily and pulled me to him for a tight hug. I felt him kiss my hair and could have sworn he was shaking his head.

“You’ll be right to get upstairs?”

I nodded. “Yep.”

I pulled away from him and stumbled a little. With an exasperated sigh that was half a laugh, he picked me up and carried me to my back door.


I shuffled in my pocket and pulled my keys out. Roman took them from me and opened the door. I giggled as he closed and locked the door behind us and he shushed me.

“Your parents will kill me if they find me in here, Barlow. Shut up!” he hissed.

I put my finger to my lips and nodded solemnly. He carried me upstairs and then swung me down at the landing. I guffawed a little and he cringed. I took a couple of steps towards my bedroom and heard a throat clear behind me.

Dad was standing behind us, an expectant look on his face.

“This is not what it looks like,” Roman said quickly and I snorted. He threw me a glare and Dad looked at me in interest.

“It’s fine, Dad–”

“Piper, go to your room, please…”

All hilarity I found in the moment was gone and I nodded as I walked to my bedroom. But, I wasn’t quite so freaked out that I didn’t press my ear against the door after I’d closed it behind me.

“So, Roman?” I heard Dad say.

“I just wanted to see her in safely, Matt.”

“I appreciate that.”

There was silence for a few moments.

“I’m not stupid enough to disrespect you in your own house,” Roman said slowly.

Maybe not while they were home, I sniggered to myself.

“Bree said you’d been spending time together.”

“We’re friends.”

“You’re sober, aren’t you, son?”