Chapter Seventeen

More Than Two Beers Later.

The bonfire was raging and Hadley and I were dancing. I’d had a little bit much to drink, true. But, I didn’t think I was completely wasted.

I knew Roman was watching me, cradling his soft drink can to his chest like some sort of bodyguard as he leant against a tree. Which, to be fair, I probably needed when I was mixing fire and alcohol.

Just as I looked back to him, I saw him push off the tree, stretch his neck, turn, and walk off through the trees. I was heading after him before I knew my feet were moving.

“Pipe, Mason’s coming,” I vaguely heard Hadley say.

I patted her arm. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be back in a second.”

I hurried after Roman, wondering which way he’d gone. I stumbled a little on something in the dark and felt arms steady me.

“You right there, Barlow?”

I turned and gave him a big smile that he, for once, did not return. My face fell.

“What’s up?”

He shrugged. “Just needed to stretch my legs.”

I nodded and suddenly the motion was a little much. My hand flew to my stomach, but the nausea passed quickly and I looked back up at him.

“You’re lovely, you know?” I said to him.

He gave a gruff huff and looked out over my head. “More than two beers, huh?”

“What?” I asked indignantly, pulling away from him, which was a poor choice as my legs didnotwant to behave themselves.

He caught me again, easily.

“That’s how you respond to my niceties?” Although it did sound more like ‘nice-titties’…

He smiled at me then. “Barlow, you’re drunk as fuck. Do you want me to take you home?”

I grinned. “No! I’m having a good time for once!”

He laughed, “Are you sure?”

“Yes! Don’t make me go,” I whined.

“All right. Far be it for me to deny you anything you want, babe. Just ease off the alcohol, yeah?”

“You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my mum,” I grumbled.

He pushed some hair off my face and cupped my cheek. “No. I’m certainly not.”

I frowned as I remembered something. “You were right, you know.”

He looked like he expected whatever came out of my mouth next to be good. “I was right?”

I nodded. “I do like the way you look.”

Even drunk, I could see he was trying not to smile. “What can I say? Takes one to know one, Barlow.”

“But, I don’t sleep with you because you’re freaking gorgeous.”