God, I hadn’t felt like that in so long. And, I had to get away before I did something even stupider than think I was friends with Roman.

“Piper!” he called, hurrying after me.

I didn’t even bother closing my front door behind me (luckily, Roman did), I just stormed out and started heading for the bus stop. My face felt hot, but not from flushing. I felt itchy and antsy, the kind I hadn’t felt in weeks. Even the chill in the air couldn’t cool me down. Thunder rumbled in the distance and the grey skies seemed to mirror my mood like some cheesy movie.

I thought he’d given up, but I was proven wrong when he grabbed my arm and pulled me to face him. His hands cupped my cheeks and he was kissing me. Out of pure habit, I leant into him for a second, then I pulled away and pushed against him.

“What was that?”

He looked confused. “What was what?”

“You don’t just go around kissing people!”

That didn’t help his confusion any.

“I’m not just here at your beck and call, Lombardi. Okay? I’m not just some booty call you can turn to when you don’t have anything better or you’re too lazy to go looking.”

“I don’t think– Where is this coming from?”

Joy, it started raining.

I huffed. “You can’t just drop a bombshell on someone and think you haven’t changed things.”

Whyhadhe come over that morning anyway?

“Is this because I said it was over?” he asked, looking up as though I’d failed to notice it was raining and maybe we should do something about it.

Of course, I’d noticed; I mentioned it just before. Fact is, I didn’t care. All I could feel was a keen sense of loss and I was starting to blame him and his smooth, bad boy charm.

“Something that never started cannot – by definition – end, Lombardi.”

“So, youarepissed I said it was over?” He threw his hands up. “I knew it. Look, we both knew what this was. I actually thought, out of both of us, you remembered better than I did!”

I bristled. “IthoughtI knew what this was! Turns out you were lying to me after all. Honesty my fucking arse! You’re a piece of shit, Roman Lombardi. I wish I’d never insulted you!”

He scoffed. “You wish you’d never insulted me? Well, if that’s not an insult to end all insults, I don’t know what is.”

“Fuck you, Roman!” I snapped. “You’re the one who invaded my space, who insisted on making me laugh when I felt shit, who took it upon himself to worm his way into every facet of my holidays. I didn’t ask to hang out with you. I was quite happy sitting at the lake by myself having some damned peace and quiet!”

“You were happier with me.”

I growled. “Exactly,Iwas happier withyou. You saw a convenient lay. I’m surprised you bothered after it took me so long to get with the program!”

It didn’t bother me that I’d lost my virginity to a guy I wasn’t madly in love with. I was fine with the fact it was just sex. But, I was annoyed that I’d thought the just sex had at least stemmed from friendship and mutual respect, and I’d been wrong.

He shook his head. “Hang on. What the fuck is this actually about? Because, as I recall, sex takes two and you were just as willing as me.”

“Of course I was. I never said I wasn’t. But, I was under the misguided assumption that we were friends!” I screamed, well past caring that my blazer now smelled like wet dog or that there was a slim chance someone could see or hear us.


“You heard me. Perhaps it’s a ridiculous notion for someone like you, but here stupid little Piper Barlow was thinking we were friends! Well, she’s not so stupid anymore. Thank God Mason asked me out when he did and now you don’t have to bother about me anymore! So, congratulations, Roman. You are free to roam greener, less boring, more open pastures!”

“You’re fucking mental, you know that?” he sighed, shaking his head. He took a step towards me, but I stepped back. “Come here,” he said roughly, grabbed my arm gently and pulled me to him.

But, he didn’t try to kiss me. He just wrapped his arms around me and hugged me fiercely. He hugged me like he meant it. As usual, Roman Lombardi knew what I needed and was going to give it to me whether I wanted him to or not.

And, as usual, I couldn’t not accept it.