“I wasn’t aware there was an us.”

“You know what I mean.”

“What can I say? You’ve changed me.”

“I don’t know that I like that.” He sounded legitimately displeased.

“Well, tough luck. What do you want here, Roman? I can either fawn all over you at school and make a fool of myself? Or, I can act like normal? Which I am. So…what do you want me to do?”

“Normal. Normal is good.” But, his tone made it sound the opposite.

I sighed and turned back to face him. “Roman?”

His gaze flickered to me for a split second. “Piper?”

“What happened to honesty, huh?” I tried to get him to look at me again.

He shrugged away from me. “Fuck this,” he muttered, raking a hand through his hair.

“All right. You want to be a dick, fine. If you need me when you’re done, I’ll be around.”

He stepped in front of me and pressed me against the bookcase. “And, if I need you now?”

I smiled at him ruefully. “We’re at school, Lombardi…”

“I’m aware of that, Barlow. What’s your point?”

“We both know us being seen together hurts you more than it hurts me.”

“How is that?”

“People will think Roman Lombardi’s capable of dating.”

He scoffed. “Of course, because innocent little Piper Barlow couldn’t possibly be capable of not.”

I knew what he was thinking; last term he was like everyone else and believed it, but now he knew I was certainly capable of not dating.

“People want to see good in you, they don’t want to see bad in me. It’s just how it is.”


“Girls,” I conceded. “Girls want to see the good in you.”

“And don’t want to see the bad in you?” The corner of his lip quirked like it did when he was trying not to smile. “I didn’t think they cared so much.”

I bit my lip. “Well, some of them. But, most just won’t like me being competition, I’m sure.”

“For me orMason?”

I frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Has he asked you out yet? Or, did he not find his sack in Europe?”

“What is up your arse today?”

He opened his mouth and I stopped him.

“If you say ‘nothing’, I will hit you. We don’t lie to each other, Lombardi. That was the deal. We don’t have to talk about it, we don’t apologise for it, but we don’t lie. Remember?”