Because it didn’t. Because we were just friends who enjoyed each other’s company and sometimes had sex. When he turned around and got bored of me, then it was going to be okay because it was inevitable and I didn’t expect him to change for me. But, I was going to enjoy it while it lasted.
“He never was and he isn’t. Leave it, Hads.” I smiled as we sat down in our seats.
Despite being very near the classroom, Roman unsurprisingly didn’t turn up for class.
It wasn’t until I left the classroom for a short trip to the library that I saw him again.
Scanning shelves as I looked for the book I needed, I was pulled behind another shelf and a familiar pair of lips found mine. I let him kiss me for a moment, then I pushed him away gently.
“What are you doing?” I asked, smiling.
“I’m kissing you. Or, did you get hit on the head today?” He looked very concerned as he ran a hand over my hair.
I smiled and batted him. “This is weird behaviour for you, Lombardi.”
“I missed your touch. So sue me.” He shrugged and flicked his hair out of his eyes. But, I was pretty sure I saw through his nonchalant façade.
“Anyone would think you’d gone soft for me.”
He frowned down at me. His presence was commanding, to say the least. It always was. Roman had a way of demanding your attention – his eyes were always fierce and intense, he radiated this combination of attraction and warning, and it didn’t hurt that he was so tall – and my attention was certainly demanded.
“I was joking. Relax,” I said, patting his chest.
He pulled away. “You want a ride home?”
I looked him over, wondering at his weirdness. “Well, I’d super appreciate it. But, I get if you’ve got other things to do.”
He wouldn’t look at me. “I don’t have other things to do.”
“What is up with you today?”
His gaze flickered to me and away again. “Nothing. What’s up with you?”
“Well, aside from me feeling super weirded out and feeling like Hadley’s got some huge secret, nothing.” I didn’t feel like Hadley had a secret – if anyone had a secret, it was me – but I wanted to see if he was paying attention.
No surprise, he wasn’t.
I pulled him to face me.
“What is going on?”
“What? Nothing?”
“Come on, Lombardi. Even for you, you’re acting weird.”
“I’m not acting weird. You are.”
I rolled my eyes. “Sure.” I shoved him out of my way and went back to my book search.
“How is Piper Barlow so okay with this?” he asked, following behind me.
“Okay with what?”
“With this. With us?”