Chapter Twelve

Sex and Vaginas and Stuff.

I woke up and wondered why I was lying against someone and their arm was over my waist. Inadvertently, I wriggled and felt that someone was very hard.

There was a familiar chuckle and I felt a kiss on my shoulder. “Morning, Barlow.”

“I didn’t peg you for a snuggler,” I replied, aiming for flippant so I could ignore what Roman’s deep morning voice did to me.

“Does it count as snuggling if all we did was watch movies and fall asleep?” There was a smile in his voice, but something nagged at me.


I felt him tense. “Piper?”

“Is there… I mean… Why did…” I stopped since I was clearly getting nowhere fast and my cheeks had heated.

“You want to try that again?”

“The other night?”


“Was it…bad…?”

He scoffed and rolled me over to face him as he leant over me. “Bad? Why would you ask if it was bad?”

I shrugged and really didn’t want to look into his eyes. “I don’t know. You just didn’t…” I sighed, “Like it matters.”

“It matters to me. What is it?”

“I don’t know. I guess I just thought… After we’d done it once… You were in my bed… You’d want to do it again?”

He didn’t say anything for a bit so I finally looked up and found him smiling at me. “Uh huh. Right. Well, Iwastrying to be considerate, it having been your first time and I wasn’t exactly gentle. I figured you’d be sore and not exactly a ‘go at it like rabbits’ type.”

“How do you just come out and say things like that?” I asked, once again completely astonished with how comfortable he was just talking about sex and vaginas and just all of it.

He shrugged and brushed a piece of hair off my face. “Because if you can’t talk about sex, then you probably shouldn’t be doing it. Besides, honesty is important. How else do you get satisfaction? Sexual partners aren’t mind readers, you know. You have to be able to talk about this stuff. About what you want, what you like, and what you don’t.”

It was a fair enough philosophy, I guessed. But, maybe I was really the innocent little Piper my friends thought I was because the idea of talking about it felt…weird.

“Did you want to do it again?” he asked, his voice taking on a teasing tone that had me blushing like mad. He chuckled and nuzzled his nose under my ear. “Because you just have to say.”

“I can’t do that,” I whispered like it would be some great scandal and I felt him laugh.

“You can if it’s what you want.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I can’t.”

“It’s me, Barlow. You can tell me anything and I won’t judge you.”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes like that would give me some courage. “I want to have sex with you again, Roman.” My cheeks felt tomato-red even before I’d barely started the sentence.

I felt him pull away and he laughed. “You’re fucking adorable, you know that?”

My eyes flew open in panic. “Notreallythe response I was hoping for.”

His eyes hooded and he licked his lip. “Relax, Barlow. I want to again, too. I haven’t stopped thinking about you. But this time, we’re doing it right.”