His nose scrunched adorably. “Still preferable to the whiny child at my house.”

“Damn, it must be bad.”

“Can I hang out with you or not?”

I crossed my arms. “What do you plan on doing if I say no?”

He looked around. “I will hang out down here and have a rollicking good time of which you will be terribly jealous.”

I snorted. “Fine. I’ll come down and let you in.”

“What about your parents?”

“They’re not home this week!”

He grinned, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. I shook my head before closing my window and heading downstairs. I opened the curtains to find him jumping up onto the veranda, still grinning. I opened the door and levelled a look on him.

“No funny business, mind,” I said, mock-seriously.

“No, I wouldn’t dare.” He looked down. “What isthat?”

“My nightie?” I asked, following his gaze down my body.

“Nightie. Right.” He looked sceptical. “T-shirt not a more apt description?”

“Yeah, yeah. We know the word apt. Very clever,” I muttered.

He laughed and followed my inviting arm inside. I closed and locked the door behind him and pulled the curtain.


“What are you offering?”

“Whatever you want that I have. Beer, wine, soft drink? Dad has some spirits somewhere?”

“Beer, why not.”

I padded to the fridge, him following close behind. I pulled a six-pack out of it and handed it to him. His eyebrow rose and I glared mockingly.

“You telling me you can’t get through six?”

“You’re going to make me drink alone?”

“Would it be the first time?”

He snorted. “No.”

“Then, you’ll be fine.”

“Ah, but it’s more fun to drink with someone.”

“I might haveone.”


“I guarantee if I have two, I’ll be pissed,” I answered, taking his hand and pulling him upstairs. “More than that, it’s chaos.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard Hadley talk about you when you’re drunk. I’m quite looking forward to it.” He chuckled.