Page 158 of Accidentally Perfect

My eyes seemed to focus, and Roman’s face was still there. It was hard and I wasn’t sure why that made me feel guilty. Then, he was gone and I was standing alone on the road home as he was moving about as fast away from me as possible.

I mean, what had I done to feel guilty about really? We’d had a great time together. There’d been a little too much emotion maybe. But honestly, how much emotion can there really have been if he could so easily push me away?

Roman was the guy who never got too close. He was the guy who never promised more than he could offer. He’d said it on multiple occasions; it was the girls who expected more, expected him to change.

A part of me, personally, still thought that he could probably have gone about things differently if it kept happening. But, that was beside the point.

Roman had never promised me more than he could offer and I didn’t want more; I didn’t want grand declarations, I didn’t want a promise of forever, I didn’t want anything more than what he’d given. I just wanted what we’d had. I wanted the brooding, angry, dark parts of him. I wanted the laughing, doting uncle, light parts of him. I wanted all the in-between bits. He’d given me everything I could ever ask for and more without even trying; why did he think that wasn’t enough? Why did he think he wasn’t enough?

I sighed and kept walking.

The pain – which felt eerily like rejection – was lessening with time and I was just going to have to accept that Roman had to do things his way.

“I’m going to accept it. Because that’s what we do. We accept each other in the moment. No matter what,” I told myself.

Doing was going to be easier said than done. Especially when everything in me told me to run after him and hug him until he relented. But, if this was what Roman wanted – if that’s what he needed – then that’s what I was going to do.

For him.

“For him.”