Page 134 of Accidentally Perfect

He took hold of my hand on the table. “Anything else you need? I thought after we could get ice cream? Maybe cake if anyone’s open?”

“Oh, cake?”

“Mud cake, specifically.”

“Why, Mr Carter. You do know how to charm a girl,” I giggled and movement caught my eye.

My eyes slid sideways and all laughter died on my lips.

Roman was walking down the street with his mates and a few girls, and his eyes were already glued to me. I couldn’t stop myself giving him a once over as he passed. He was wearing white sneakers, dark jeans, a white slouched-neck t-shirt and an unbuttoned dark grey shirt. His dark brown hair was longer than Mason’s and there was no way he was even thinking about styling it. But somehow, it still managed to look incredible. My fingers twitched like they wanted to do more than just remember what it felt like.

My chest did that weird jump-plummet thing, but I threw on a smile and waved to him. He did not wave back. Rio smirked at me in that hard way he had lately as he said something in Roman’s ear, his arm around a girl I didn’t know.

Mason turned and I saw the two boys exchange a hard look.

I really didn’t know what else I should have expected. Mason said my friendship with Roman was cool. But they’d hated each other before; why would they just start tolerating each other now one was my friend and the other…my boyfriend?

Before I could get back to the burger versus pizza discussion with Mason, one of the girls with Roman pushed through the group and threw herself around him. He lazily draped his arm around her shoulder as he talked to Steve as though he wasn’t watching me. For some reason, the sight had me swallowing hard, but I turned to Mason like it didn’t bother me.

“So, with all that future eating in mind, eating a whole pizza seems like a rookie mistake,” I said with a piss-poor attempt at unfazed as I brushed some hair from my face.

Mason’s eyes followed Roman’s progress behind me, but I refused to turn around. Finally, he dragged those beautiful blues back to me and smiled.

“Well if you feel like pizza, then I could probably share one with you,” he said.

I grinned. “Remember, I love pineapple.”

He leant forward and I mimicked him. “I can live with that.”

We looked into each other’s eyes for a few nervously excited heartbeats. I felt myself lick my lip and Mason’s eyes darted down at the movement. My heart rate somehow managed to increase at the look in them when he finally looked back into my eyes.

I didn’t know how a guy could look at you like that. Like you were… I didn’t even know. Like you were the only thing he was focussed on? Like you were something to be unwrapped carefully until he found out all your secrets. I wasn’t sure if it was a good thing or not. I mean, ithadfelt good until I’d gone into over-analysation mode.

“I’m really glad we’re doing this, Piper…” he said slowly.

I blinked. “Doing what?” I asked, like an idiot.

His smile was enough to give my heart that little kick. “Going out.”

I licked my lip again, more out of nerves than anything. “Me, too,” I replied and hoped I wasn’t lying.

We moved forward slowly and our lips touched. It was firmer and briefer than I’d expected, but there wasn’t anything unpleasant about it. It made my stomach do a bit of a happy dance and I pulled away with a smile on my face. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and stared down at my menu.

Mason squeezed my hand and I squeezed his back.

“Barbeque chicken with extra pineapple?” he asked.

I slid my eyes up to look at him and tried to bite my lip against the huge smile growing on my face. I felt like maybe, just maybe, it was all going to be easier than I was making it. Maybe my guy and Iwereon the same wavelength after all. Maybe I could get the hang of this dating thing.

“Sounds good,” I answered.

Our drinks arrived and we ordered and I managed to make it through dinner with some semblance of dignity. I didn’t snort obscenely or giggle hysterically or blurt out somethingtooidiotic – a little idiotic once or twice, but nothing more than my usual adorable self. Mason did most of the talking and I found that I could keep up. During moments of silence, I started panicking a little about what I should say or do next. But, on the whole – while it could have been a little more comfortable and easy – as far as first date dinners went, I think it was okay.

The movie was good; there was hand-holding and a short popcorn fight. He even kissed ice cream off my nose. But there was no need for talking, so I at least didn’t have to worry about what I was saying.

After, we strolled around a little bit and Mason held up the conversation.

That was when the panic started creeping back in. I felt antsy and unsure and second-guessed myself totally. I forgot how to flirt and realised I wasn’t sure I’d ever known to begin with. And, that dignity? Yeah, I kissed that goodbye well and truly.