Page 127 of Accidentally Perfect

“Boys!” Mr Dunbridge said forcefully.

“Keep your knickers on, sir,” Rio called back. He threw me on of his salutes and dragged Roman away.

Roman’s eyes didn’t leave mine until Rio whacked him, clearly annoyed, and he turned around. The two of them were quite obviously arguing about something as they stopped in front of the Vice Principal, to the point that I very clearly heard Mr Dunbridge ask, “Am I interrupting something, boys?” as he waited for them to pay him the appropriate attention.

Roman looked at him as Rio threw me a quick look over his shoulder. Then Mr Dunbridge waved them into his office and closed the door behind them.

“Isn’t Rio cute?” Celeste asked me with a sigh and I gave her a disbelieving look.

“Rio’s about as cute as period death cramps,” I snapped.

“Oh!” Celeste chuckled. “Hello, Period Piper.”

I couldn’t be bothered correcting her. If I corrected her, then I’d probably have to come up with some other explanation as to why I wasn’t my usual sweet, polite self.

And I didn’t know why I was in such a mood, so I sure as hell wasn’t going to be able to come up with any decent excuse.