I nodded. “I’m sure.”
He pushed into me slowly. At one point, he paused and looked at me, care and concern marked on his face. “Still with me?”
I nodded again.
He smiled down at me, all reassuring warmth. “Just relax.”
So, I did.
As he kissed me gently, his hand cupped my hip and pulled my leg higher around his hip. Whatever that did, he slid in easily. With one hand on my hip, the other found my hand and held it above my head as he started moving slowly and steadily.
If the other night had been fireworks, this was slow burning flames. When his lips weren’t on me, he was looking down at me with such tenderness I found it hard to remember this was the same guy who’d apparently made his way through most of the school already. I could almost believe I was the only one in his universe.
Everything about it was steady and purposeful. It wasn’t rushed, hurried or just some quick fuck. I felt – as corny as it sounds – worshipped, like it was the only place he wanted to be.
When my breath came shorter and I couldn’t help the moan or two that escaped, he picked up the pace; still long thrusts, but faster. He felt incredible. I didn’t know if he was just made that way or if he just knew where all the right buttons were. Maybe it was practise.
He was sucking on my neck, sending shots of pleasure through me when I felt my climax build again. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning his name, but I put my mouth against his shoulder to try to muffle some of my noise.
As my orgasm rolled over me in building waves, he increased his pace further and it was just one jolt of pleasure after another until everything just felt tingly amazingness. I felt him tense and he ran his hand up my side. One arm held him up and the other cupped my face as he kissed me softly and thrust slowly.
We were both breathing heavily when we caught each other’s eyes. I hadn’t had a word for it the other night, or when he’d looked at me just then. But now, I think what I saw in his eyes when he looked at me was…a connection, an understanding, some message only I could decipher. But, it didn’t need deciphering into words; it was a feeling. A feeling I was sure he saw answered in my eyes.
While I was thinking all this, he gave me the kind of grin you melt for. “Did you actually just bite me?”
My cheeks flamed and I buried my head in his shoulder. “Maybe. Sorry.”
He laughed as he pulled out of me with a kiss to my forehead. “Fuck, no. Don’t be sorry, you kinky bitch.”
Embarrassed, I pulled the blankets over my head. I felt him get up, but he was back before I could even begin to think what he’d been doing. He got back into the bed beside me and pulled the blankets down far enough to look into my eyes.
“Sex has to be honest, remember? I’m not into that BDSM stuff, but I can handle you being a bit of a biter. Just maybe try not to break skin, yeah?”
“Oh, so you think this is going to happen again, do you?” I asked quite brazenly from behind the safety of my blanket mask.
He lay down and pulled me to him, putting his arm under my head. “If I had my way, I’d…” He stopped and I felt him tense.
I rolled to look at him, sliding my hand between my chin and his shoulder. “What?”
He looked quite purposefully out the window and not at me. “Well, of course I want to do it again. Considering I know your experience intimately, I have no problems telling you that you’re justfuckingamazing.”
“That’s not what you were going to say.”
I giggled as he rolled on top of me.
“It’s not just how tight you are, it’s how you respond to me, Barlow. Hands down, you are my best fuck.” His voice held that tone of mocking that I was starting to know meant – while the sentiment may have been mostly sincere – his words were meant tongue-in-cheek.
Smiling, I looked up at him. “Compliments will not distract me, Lombardi.”
His face was settled in its usual lazy smirk, but his eyes looked troubled.
“Sex has to be honest remember?” I reminded him of his previous words.
He sighed and flopped back on the bed, his arm landing over his eyes. “Fine. I was going to say that if it was up to me, you’d be the only girl I fucked for the rest of my life.”
A stupid flutter shifted in my chest just as I knew there was a ‘but’. And, I knew what that ‘but’ was.
“But, you don’t do forever.” I finished for him.