Page 124 of Accidentally Perfect

I spun and my eyes found Roman just as he was looking down at his board.

“Seriously, what happened? If he didn’t make a move on you, what– Oh, I know…” she said, getting that tone she got when she thought she’d discovered something juicy. “He’s like properly into you and now he’s annoyed you’re dating Mason!”

I huffed and started walking over to our friends. “Hads, for the last time, Roman isn’t into anyone, let alone me. He’s just… In a mood. He gets that way.”

“You do seem to know a lot about him…” she teased.

“We’re friends… Sort of…” I blinked and shook my head. “I don’t know, Hadley. We’re friends, he drives me to school so I don’t have to get the bus, and he gets super moody sometimes. It’s like his thing. I thought you used to like that about him?”

“Oh, I still like that about him. But, I like the timing of his mood more.”

I turned to glare at her and she gave me a wink. “Hads, there is nothing significant about the timing. Maddy’s just being…awkward, I’m sure.”

Hadley grabbed my arm to stop me getting too close to the group and pulled me to face her. “Maddy?” she asked, far too interested. “Jilted ex-lover? Threatened by you?”

I huffed. “No. Niece.”

She opened her mouth and paused, obviously needing a moment to digest that. “He has a niece?” she asked finally, then she smirked at me. “Paris gotbiz-aydid she?”

I tried to school my smile, but failed. “That is usually how these things work, yes.”

“A niece?”

“She’s five.”

“And, he what? Looks after her?”

I nodded. “Yeah. Carmen works really hard, so he does what he can. Plays with her, cooks for her, looks after her.”

“Oh. My. God.” Hadley breathed out heavily and clutched her lower stomach. “My ovaries, babes!” She made little explosions with her hands.

I snorted. “I know, though, right?”

“Holy shit! Did you just admit you think he’s beautiful?” Hadley looked at me like I’d suddenly grown two heads but she was simultaneously proud of me.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “Maybe.”

“Progress, babes. Progress.”

“Just don’t go spreading it around.”

“Trust me, the only thing spreading will be my legs to give that gorgeous creature children he will look adorable with.”

I burst into laughter and Hadley dissolved into giggles with me. We held onto each other for support as we closed the distance to our friends.

As soon as he saw us laughing our heads off, Mason jumped up and came over to me. I swapped Hadley’s arm for Mason’s around my shoulders and he kissed my temple.

“What’s so funny?” he asked.

My laughter sort of choked off in my throat. “Hads is just being vulgar again.”

She shrugged unapologetically. “I can’t help it if I’m honest about my feelings.”

I giggled. “Yeah, but when your feelings are leading you to shagunsavourycharacters, I don’t need quiteallthe sordid plans.”

“You’re my best friend. Of course you’ll get all the sordid plans.And, all the details after. Every. Single. Debased. Detail.” She winked and I shook my head with a smile. It was fine for Hadley to corrupt me of course, just no one else.

“You girls often talk sex?” Mason chuckled and I felt my cheeks go bright red.