Page 10 of Loving Biker Daddy



I barely picked myself off the ground. My entire body was screaming at me to stop. Everything hurt so much but I needed to call someone. Anyone. I needed them to go after Reaper, whose bike was disappearing in the distance with Tina on it.

Coughing, I dialed the first number I could think off. Hawk picked up immediately. “What’s up?”

“She’s gone,” I said, coughing. “I couldn’t protect her.”

“The woman from the bar?”

“Yeah. Reaper was after her and he got her.”

“Where are you now?”

I told him where I was and he hung up. I knew he was going to come after me, but I needed people to go after Tina and Reaper. I sat down on my bike. My head was spinning. I dialed Axel’s number next. He picked up after a couple of rings. “Hello?” he asked. It sounded like he had just woken up.

“How soon can you get a few bikers together?” I asked.

He was immediately awake. “Give me fifteen minutes. Why? What happened?”

“Reaper took Tina. They were headed towards Middleton. I need you to get some people to go after them.”

“Are you okay? You sound like shit.”

I wiped some blood out of my eyes. “I’ll be fine,” I said. “There were three of them and one of me. I broke Reaper’s nose, though.”

Axel swore. “They’re going to have to pay,” he said. “They can’t just go after our president like that.”

“We’ll worry about retaliation later,” I said. “Right now, all I care about is getting Tina.” If they were too late… if she was already hurt… I felt like I was going to throw up and not just from the injuries.

“I’m going, I’m going,” he said. “I’ll get Doc and a few other guys together. I’ll meet you back at the bar later.”

“Thanks,” I said weakly before hanging up.

My vision started to spin. I was barely aware when a bike pulled up next to mine. I looked up to see Hawk getting off of it with Ramona, who had a first aid kit.

“Jesus,” Hawk said. “They fucked you up good.”

Ramona quickly opened up the kit and pulled out some gauze. She started mopping up my face. “You need to go to the hospital,” she said.

“I can’t,” I said. “I’m not going until Tina is back.”

“I should have known better than to choose a stubborn son of a bitch to replace me,” said Hawk.”

“As if you would have chosen anyone else,” said Ramona. “Can you please get him some water?

Hawk pulled a bottle of water out of his jacket pocket and handed it to me. “Drink.”

I took a long drink. The water cleared my head a little. “I sent Axel after Tina and Reaper.”

“I know,” said Hawk. “That’s what I would have done.” He gave me a half smile as he handed me some ibuprofen. I swallowed it down with more water.

Most of the blood came from my nose and the corner of my right eye, but Ramona cleaned and bandaged a cut over my left eyebrow before giving me a cold pack to keep down the swelling on my eyes. “You almost definitely have a concussion,” she said. “I can’t patch you up as good as Doc, but you’ll live.”

“Thank you,” I said. “I’m sorry I pulled you two into this.”

Ramona grinned. “Oh, I’m used to it,” she said. “I knew he wouldn’t be able to walk away from the club completely and I never expected him to.” She gave Hawk a goofy grin. He smiled in return. It was strange seeing him look so relaxed and happy. I felt a twinge of envy at seeing the two of them so happy together.