Page 12 of Loving Biker Daddy



Reaper biked fast, a lot faster than Talon ever did. I had been hoping I would have a chance to let go and run into the woods where they couldn’t follow me, but that wasn’t possible. I had to cling to him for dear life and I hated every second of it.

But Reaper seemed to be biking fast, even swerving in between cars and flying around corners. It was almost like he was running for something.

Maybe he was more scared of Talon than he let on.

I just hoped they would catch up to us before we reached our destination. But judging by this pace, I doubted it.

I felt a heavy pit in my stomach when we pulled up to what looked like a warehouse surrounded by a barbed wire fence. The gate swung open for us and Reaper sped in, his lackeys right behind us.

As soon as we were inside, he skidded to a stop. I felt so nauseous from the fast ride, I immediately doubled over and heaved. Reaper gripped my arm and pulled me to my feet. “You’re not going to get out of this that easily,” he said. “We both know you rode bitch on Talon’s bike without any problem. You’re not going to get sick on mine.”

I took deep breaths and straightened up, glaring at him. “I came with you willingly, didn’t I? You don’t have to manhandle me.”

He grinned and his two lackeys started laughing behind me. “You’re going to have to get used to getting manhandled, sweetheart,” Reaper said. “How else do you think you’ll pay your father’s debt.”

I swallowed. Please, Talon. Please find me now. I wasn’t expecting him in person, after the beating he took, but I knew he would send men after me. He wouldn’t just let me get tortured by the Reaper.

“Get her inside and throw her into a room,” Reaper said. “We’ll break her in soon but first I want to make sure we weren’t followed.”

The two men grabbed my arms and dragged me inside the warehouse. We went down a long, decrepit looking hall. The building looked like it was falling apart from the inside out. I doubted this was really their base of operations. Probably just a hideout to stay away from the Hell’s Renegades and the cops. A place to beat their victims into submission.

They opened up a door that practically screamed on its hinges before throwing me into a dusty, empty room.

One of the men grinned and knelt down on the ground next to me. I shrank away from him but there wasn’t any place for me to run. “I’m going to have so much fun breaking in a cute little thing like you,” he said. He slid a hand up my thigh, underneath my skirt. My skin crawled.

“Come on, man, we got to go. Reaper’s orders,” the other man said. “You can play with the new toy later.”

The man sighed and removed his hand before standing up. “Enjoy the peace and quiet,” he told me. “It’s the last peace and quiet you’ll ever have.”

I knew he was right. Unless I got out of here. And I couldn’t wait on the Hell’s Renegades to make that happen.

The door swung shut behind them, leaving me alone. I got to my feet and started looking around. The room was dimly lit and empty. A thick layer of dust covered everything, making it hard to breathe.

I started trailing my hands along the wall, looking for a light switch. But when I found it, it didn’t work.

The only light was coming from a window that was covered in dust and cobwebs. There wasn’t anything in the room I could use to break it, but maybe I could pry it open somehow.

The windowpane was locked into place. It felt a lot like the window locks that my childhood home had. I grabbed at the lock and tried to open it, but it was rusted shut. I grunted and pulled until my fingers were raw but it barely budged.

I turned to the door. There was no way they would just leave it open, right? And even if they did, those hinges were loud. Someone might hear…

But it was the only chance I had. If I stayed in this room then I was as good as dead. I tried the doorknob. It was locked. But like everything else in this place, the door was falling apart. Maybe, if I put enough force on it, I would be able to bust the door off.

I shoved at the door and it didn’t budge. Then I leaned all of my weight against the door and the lock gave way a little. The drywall around it started to crumble and I felt a flicker of hope. I backed up a couple of steps and threw myself against the door. The drywall gave way and the door swung open, the hinges squealing with the movement. I stumbled out of the room and didn’t give myself time to catch my breath. I started running for the entrance.

I knew it was probably stupid to go through the front entrance, but I didn’t know if anyone else was in the building or who heard the door. I could only hope I could leave out of the only exit I knew.

I ran to the door and my stomach flipped over with relief as it opened and I was breathing fresh air again. I looked around, but no one was around. It looked like the place had cleared out to make sure the Hell’s Renegades weren’t following me. It was clear no one expected I would find a way out of that room by myself.

The gate was locked. I looked up the chain link fence and grimaced. At the top was barbed wire. I could probably get over, but not without scratching myself up. However, I didn’t see much of an option right now.

I climbed up the fence and to the barbed wire. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed onto the wire, wincing as the barbs poked and scratched at my skin. Bunching my skirt up, I managed to hook a leg over the wire. A barb cut deep in my leg, leaving a long, deep scratch that brought tears to my eyes. I forced myself to keep going.

Carefully, I managed to pull myself over the barbed wire and I dropped to the other side, landing on my knees. Pain radiated throughout my legs and I groaned.