Page 97 of Almost Maybes

Ollie sighed. “So what?”

Lisbeth put her hands on her hips. “I’ve seen Bollywood movies.”

“Real life isn’t like a Bollywood movie, Beth.”

“Lisbeth,” she corrected her and Ollie held her hands up in silent apology. “My point is, you can go back to your Bollywood life and we’ll go back to ours.”

“Does it even matter to you what your brother wants?”

“Obviously you’ve brainwashed him.”

Ollie frowned, because Lisbeth had said that once already. “Being Brown means I have brainwashing powers and live a Bollywood life?”

“I don’t have to explain myself to you. You come from a different country and you sweep in and take all of our jobs, marry all of our men and…you know.”

“Is stereotyping part of the racism class you take?”

Lisbeth’s eyes widened at the word ‘racism’, her face turning red as she shrieked, “Get out of my house!”

Almost as if the universe didn’t want anyone to know what was happening in the kitchen, the music changed to something upbeat that caused everyone outside to get really excited. Ollie wanted to roll her eyes to the ceiling and ask the person up there what the fuck they were doing to help her out of this situation.

“This isn’t your house,Lisbeth, and quite honestly your hostility is unwarranted.”

Lisbeth was still going. “This isn’t your home. You can’t walk into our lives and try to upset the balance of everything.”

“I was born and raised here, just like you. So if I go, so should you. I bet your ancestors aren’t even American.”

“Of course they are. You’re not welcome here,Oleander.”

Ollie stood firm. “I’ll let Mindy and Callum decide that for me.”

“We don’t want yourkindhere.”

“And what kind is that?”


Ollie scoffed out a laugh, wishing Lisbeth had used a different term. Something more original, and a little moreimpactful. As a Brown woman living in a small town, Ollie got calledillegalquite often. It wasn’t new. She’d even been called a terrorist once and she’d argued with the man that she was Christian, born and raised in America and still nothing happened.

Much like that, arguing with Lisbeth was about as useful as a hole in the head.

There was a smart comeback on her tongue when Jackson suddenly appeared. He looked angry and Ollie blew out a breath as she tried to center herself. It was one thing to be attacked by a stranger, but a whole other thing to have someone related to the man you loved attack you this way. Ollie wondered how much Jackson had heard, but by the way he was moving towards Lisbeth, she figured he’d heardenough.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Lisbeth scoffed. “She’susingyou, Jackson.”

“For what?”

“Money and everything that comes with it.”

Jackson looked as exasperated as Ollie felt. “Jesus, you’ve completely lost your mind.”

“You broke up with amazing women for thispatheticexcuse of a girlfriend. And for what?”

“Excuse me?” Ollie stepped forward, glaring at Lisbeth who smartly took a step back.

“Jackson.” Lisbeth turned to her brother, her eyes taking on a fearful expression. “You know as well as I do that she is not the right person for you.”