Page 95 of Almost Maybes

Ollie shook her head. “I got very strict instructions, so no gifts.”

“Good! Beth seemed to ignore explicit instruction,” Keleigh said with a roll of her eyes and wandered off, leaving Ollie watching her as Jackson sighed.

“Onthatnote, it’s time to meet my sister and sister-in-law. You ready?”

Ollie shook her head, both of them laughing as Jackson led them back into the house. And towards people she knew were going to completely change the course of this relationship.

Meeting parents was one thing.Meeting siblings was another. Ollie knew that when Jackson met her brothers, they were going to stress him out. All three of them had gone into law enforcement of some kind, and while they no longer did background checks on the people she dated, she wouldn’t put it past them to dig into Jackson just to scare the shit out of him. So far, Keleigh seemed great, but from the tension in Jackson’s shoulders, Ollie had a feeling meeting the next two people wasn’t going to be as painless.

They moved through the house, heading for a room in the back. Jackson pushed the door open and Ollie’s eyes widened. There were kids everywhere and in one corner, two blonde women were sitting on a couch drinking wine. Before she knew it, a round of high-pitched squeals followed by kids screamingUncle Jackwere charging towards them. Ollie gasped and stepped back as Jackson was tackled to the floor by these excited kids.

After more squealing and hugging, lots of playful grunting as he tickled some of the kids, Jackson sat up and gently moved kids aside.

“All right, let me breathe.”

The kids giggled and climbed off him, and Ollie watched in fascination as Jackson stood up, and then noticed that all the kids were staring ather.

“Hi,” one of the little girls said as she stepped closer.

“You’re pretty,” another one said and Ollie laughed softly as she looked at Jackson. Working with kids had made her a little more comfortable around them, but these were unknown kids and that was still going to make her nervous. Jackson’s hand landed on her back as the kids finished their analysis and went back to what they were doing as the two women walked over.

Seriously, what was it with Jackson’s family—why were they all stunning? Was it the water, the genetics?


He smiled and turned to Ollie. “Oleander, this is my sister Lisbeth and my sister-in-law, Carrie. This is my girlfriend.”

Ollie smiled, “It’s really good to meet you.”

“You too.Oleanderwas it?” The way her name sounded on Lisbeth’s tongue felt weird, but she smiled anyway as she nodded. “So, where are you from, Oleander?”

“West Virginia.”

“Born and raised?”

“Beth…” Jackson growled, but she faked looking confused by his displeasure.

“Yeah.” Ollie kept going and she could feel Jackson tense up beside her. “My brothers and I are second generation Indian-American.”

“Ah, of course.”

“What about you, Lisbeth, where areyoufrom?” She asked it with a straight face, Jackson snorted and coughed loudly. And because Ollie wasn’t going to be undone by this woman, she smiled sweetly and added, “It wasgreatmeeting you.”

Ollie walked out of the room and once they were out of earshot, Jackson chuckled. “That was brilliant.”

“Ugh, I hate doing that.”

“Well, she deserved it.”

Ollie sighed. “It’s notmyjob to school her on her racism.”

“But you put her in her place, which is more than can be said for any of us in this family.”

There was always one member of every family that had a tendency to say stupid shit and behave like an idiot. Ollie was glad she’d finally gotten through the interaction, but sheknewsomeone like Lisbeth wouldn’t let it go that easily.

“I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”

“I’ll just stay clear of her.”

“Good plan,” Jackson nodded and Ollie sighed. “Come on, let’s get some booze in you.”