Page 91 of Almost Maybes

Jackson:I’m sorry.

Jackson:I love you.

The first few came as she’d started her shift at the Barrel, then he texted when she was telling Frankie about what happened. And an hour ago, he’d sent her the last two texts. Ollie sighed and set her phone aside as she stripped down and had a quick shower.

She changed into an extra large nightshirt, grabbed her phone and quietly pulled open the bathroom door. And found Jackson sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his eyes.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”

Ollie walked around to her side of the bed. “Because you looked like you were dead.”

“So you were going to let me be dead in the middle of your bed?”

A sigh escaped her lips. “What are you doing here, Jackson?”

He frowned and gestured to her phone. “I know you saw my texts and all my missed calls.”


“Come on, Ollie.”

She shook her head and pointed at him. “No, do notOllieme right now.”

“Are you going to let me explain what happened?” Jackson huffed and came around to where she was standing, gently reaching for her hand.

Ollie dropped the covers and pulled her hand away, crossing her arms over her chest as she looked at him. “Fine, explain.”

“She just showed up,” he started and at the narrowed eyes she shot him, Jackson held his hands up. “A friend is getting married and she wanted a date for the wedding.”

“So she thought she’d ask you?”

“Apparently I’m her only hope.”

Ollie rolled her eyes and waved him off. “NoStar Warspuns at a time like this.”

“Sorry,” Jackson sighed, rubbing his face. “I turned her down and she tried to get me to change my mind. I mentioned youandmade her leave.”

“What is wrong with this woman?”

“What do you mean?”

Ollie sighed and sat down on the bed. “She cheats on you, breaks up with you, leaves you high and dry for months and suddenly decides she needs you to be her date?”

“Ursula’s always been flighty that way.”

“There’s flighty and there’s selfish. And I’m frustrated that you stood there and listened.”

Jackson frowned as he sat down beside her. “What was I supposed to do?”

“Tell her to go fuck herself.”

“Well, that was an option.”

Ollie shook her head. “These past few weeks have been hard without your ex-girlfriend showing up while I’m on the phone with you, but that? That was really frustrating.”

“I’m sorry.”

Ollie rubbed her face and looked at Jackson from the corner of her eyes—his hair was disheveled, there were dark circles under his eyes and you could see the exhaustion on his face. It wasn’t fair to get so angry with him about something completely out of his control, even if she had been frustrated and stewing in it all evening. Plus, he looked so stupidly handsome in his dark blue Henley and khaki pants—seriously, how could he make khakis sexy?