“Aw,” Oleander grinned and squeezed his arm. “We are good together, aren’t we?”
“We’regreattogether, babe,” Jackson assured her with a soft kiss to her temple.
Jacksonwashappy. It had been a long time since he’d met a group of people he actually liked being around. He already enjoyed Frankie’s company, and he felt like he would eventually get to know Lachlan better. Right now, he was soaking it all up, trying to get used to the idea of being in a relationship again.
One that made his heart race and his palms sweat, in all the good ways.
“Do you think we should make this like a once every few months kind of deal?”
Jackson shrugged. “I only agreed because I’ll have you to myself for the weekend.”
“Shut up.”
Jackson laughed and looked at Oleander. She had the most beautiful smile lighting up her face. “But sure, I think it’ll be nice for all of us to get together every now and then.”
Oleander chuckled, pointing at Milo and Frankie. “I’m surprised I didn’t see it before, they look really good together.”
Jackson had to agree. Besides being unfairly attractive, they already seemed to have thatspark. The very same spark Jackson felt when he was with Oleander.
On the other side of the room, Gavin, Everleigh and Lachlan seemed to have finally moved on from sports, both of them laughing at something Lachlan said. Despite not knowingeverythingabout Lachlan, he seemed like a decent guy. Besides, Jackson knew it wasn’t like Oleander and Frankie to be friends with someone who wasn’t worthy.
Oleander’s head was on his shoulder as she hummed along with the music, and he smiled. This was exactly what he’d always wanted. He thought he had it with Ursula, but that was a lie.
Sensing his eyes on her, Oleander lifted her head. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just enjoying all of this.”
Oleander smiled. “Frankie has some games planned, so we don’t all get stuck in our twosomes.”
“I’d definitely like to be in a twosome with you right now.”
She poked him in the side. “Behave yourself.”
“I mean, we could sneak away and they won’t notice.”
Oleander shook her head and he chuckled. “You get me all weekend, so we must be social tonight.”
“Fine. Only because it’ll make you happy.
“This is why you’re a good boyfriend.”
“Is that the only reason?”
Oleander pretended to think about it. “I mean, your dick is glorious and you do that thing with your tongue I seem to enjoy.”
“Ah, so it’s all physical.”
“Well, it’s a bit of everything.”
“I’m glad I could make your day and nights better.”
She winked. “You do so much more than that, handsome.”
Good, because I’m in love with you.Jackson said the last bit in his head as Oleander kissed him.