“Why haven’t you mentioned her before?”
“I don’t know really, I mean…” Jackson shrugged, his fingers playing with her hair as he thought about why Ever had never come up in conversations. “She’s really busy and barely has time to see us. But I figured that it would be good for her to finally meet you guys and for you to also may—”
“It’s okay.” Oleander put her hand over his mouth, stopping him from rambling and Jackson kissed her palm. “I’ve never been jealous of someone before, so that was interesting.”
“But to be clear, you have nothing to be jealous of. I’m with you, completely and I don’t want anyone else.”
“Ditto,” Oleander whispered and Jackson wasn’t sure if he imagined it or if her voice actually quivered on the word. He kissed her till someone knocked on the door, breaking them apart.
There wasa flurry of introductions and Jackson finally got his first good look at the elusive Lachlan. Oleander didn’t say much except that he was a writer, and it made him curious why it was a secret. Everyone met Everleigh and exchanged pleasantries. Jackson watched Oleander as she shook hands with his only real female friend and bit back a smile, because shewasjealous. And it was cute.
While Oleander and Frankie worked on everyone’s drink orders, Jackson stood with Milo and Lachlan and talked about sports. Like every warm blooded American, he watched the Super Bowl, but beyond that he didn’t care.
Frankie came around, putting drinks in everyone’s hands and as the guys continued talking sports, Jackson let his eyes wander. Gavin said something funny that made Frankie tip her head back and laugh. He wondered if he imagined it, but he was sure he heard Milo growl. He also noticed that Everleigh was awkwardly standing in front of a bookshelf, eyes darting around before turning to stare at the books he’d admired not too long ago.
He had to admit that it felt good, having his friends mingle with Oleander’s, it made their relationship morereal. They already referred to each other as boyfriend and girlfriend, but this cemented it even more.
The apartment looked different—the light was low, there was soft music playing and there were also candles lit. Jackson watched as Milo broke away from their group, heading straight for Frankie and Gavin. He noticed Frankie’s expression soften and wondered if he was missing something. But Oleander wrapped her arm around his waist and all other thoughts flew out the window.
He knew without a doubt, in that moment, he was going to admit that he was in love with her. He’d told Ursula he loved her pretty early on in the relationship, and she’d said it back six months later. Looking back, Jackson knew his ex hadn’t actually ever loved him or wanted to be with him, but she probably stayed because he gave her something she wasn’t getting anywhere else at the time.
“You done being hostess with the mostest?”
Oleander laughed, nuzzling into his chest. “It’s all pretend. Lachlan did all the cooking and he wanted me to make sure it stayed warm.”
“You’re stillhostingthis party, babe, that’s what counts.”
He kissed the top of her head when Gavin joined their group, adding to the sports talk. Oleander made a frustrated sound and tugged him towards a wide single seater. He sat down and she slid in beside him, half in his lap.
“I’m glad we did this.”
“Looks like my friends are getting along fine with your friends,” Jackson told her, kissing the side of her head.
“Especially Frankie and Milo,” she mumbled and Jackson followed her gaze to where their best friends were sitting pretty close.
“I noticed that too, but I’m not sure when or how they met.”
Oleander shrugged, snuggling into him. Jackson set his glass on a table so he could hold her tighter. “So,” he said softly, clearing his throat, “What’s the deal with Lachlan?”
“What do you mean?”
“You gotverycreative with what he does for a living.”
Oleander shrugged. “He likes keeping a low profile, so we don’t divulge too much information.”
“Not even to me?”
“Don’t play that card with me, Jackson, I am sworn to secrecy.”
“I should be offended that as yourboyfriendI don’t know these things.”
“I’m extremely loyal and faithful.” Oleander brushed him off with a smile. “So,Everleigh.”
“She’s really protective, so any woman that comes into the circle needs to get along with Ever.”
Oleander nodded. “She doesn’t seem too worried about you and me.”
“Because the guys promised her we’re good together.”