When she glanced at Jackson, Ollie found him smiling at her. “That was…fantastic.”
“I repeat, sex has never been like this before,” she whispered. “Youare fantastic.”
“I look forward to more time with Grant.Andyour mouth,” Jackson said as tugged her into him and kissed her, making Ollie smile.
“We better wash up.” Ollie kissed him once more and slid out of bed. When she didn’t hear movement behind, she looked over her shoulder at Jackson. “What?”
He smiled, eyes sliding over her naked body. “You’re incredible.”
He smiled, sitting at the edge of her bed. Ollie knew everything had shifted, and she was more than okay with it. She might have been worried about dating him in the beginning, but Jackson proved he understood her in ways other partners hadn’t. And there was all the sex they were having, which was absolutely mind blowing.
They were both completely naked, something that happened every time they wanted to have aconversation. Usually, Ollie felt vulnerable when she was naked and during serious conversations.
But, with Jackson, it was none of those things.
His voice dropped to a whisper. “I think my words might scare you.”
“You won’t know till you try,” Ollie told him, faintly aware of what he was going to say.
“You already know you make me feel all kinds of things,” Jackson started, rubbing the back of his neck. “So this shouldn’t come as a surprise.”
“I still want to hear you say it.”
“I’m falling for you, Oleander. Even though it scares both of us and we literally just talked about it today,” he explained and smiled. “But when I’m with you, I feel more like myself. I don’t have to hide my nerdy side, I don’t have to pretend. I can beme.”
“I know what you mean,” she told him, smiling as she cupped his face. “I also get to bemefor a change. It’s liberating.Youmake me feel like myself again and I love it.”
“I agree,” Jackson nodded. “With you, I want to do it all. I want to try new things and experience things I’ve only read about.”
“Like what?”
“Use a vibrator during sex, bungee jumping…”
Ollie rolled her eyes. “No bungee jumping.”
He chuckled, tugging her closer. “Does this finally make me your boyfriend?”
Ollie giggled, which made Jackson smile, rubbing her thumb over his cheek. “I guess it does.”
“Every single date, every single adventure, it’s been amazing because it’s been with you.”
Ollie pressed her forehead against his. “And now, the rest of our dates have to be even better.”
“I’ll make it work, trust me.”
Ollie leaned in and kissed Jackson, smiling against his mouth as his hands slid down to her ass and tried to pull her back into bed. She groaned and broke away, muttering against his mouth. “Shower, food, then lots more of that. I want to see what else myboyfriendcan do.”