Page 67 of Almost Maybes

“Hey Niles.”

“Your girl here has been planning this for days—you hold onto this one,” Niles told Jackson, who laughed and shook his head and squeezed her hand. “My favorite taco truck is up front and there’s a really good burger truck too. Why don’t you fill up on grub and swing back for dessert.”

“Thanks Niles,” Ollie told him. “You’ve got the list I sent you, right?”

“Absolutely. I knowjustwhat you need.” Niles vanished into his truck and Ollie turned to Jackson, who was staring at her with a smile.

“You did this for me.”


“Thank you,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her. “Watching you dance with kids and being here is turning out to be totally worth skipping out on work.”

“I know. Now come on, Iamstarving.”

Like in Wildes, theyindulged. And it felt good to not have to think twice about what she wanted to eat. Pierce and Nina had always tried to get her to stop eating more than one taco, thinking it was what her mother would say. Her parents had always been supportive and when Ollie started to gain weight, her mother offered some advice initially and backed off when Ollie snapped. But Jackson didn’t seem to care if she was eating her weight in food or drinking all the shakes. If Sunday was anything to go by, he was turned on by her body with all its rolls, wrinkles and stretch marks.

After Jackson had finished the fries she couldn’t eat, Ollie decided they needed to go for a walk before letting Niles fill them up again. She let out an unladylike burp, eyes widening as she slapped a hand over her mouth in shock. Jackson released a burp of his own, which was ten times worse and Ollie snorted before bursting into laughter. This level of comfort was freeing and Ollie had to admit she only felt this way around Frankie and Lachlan. Not her exes, not her family; but somehow Jackson made her let those walls down.

Once they’d tossed their trash away and paid for their food, Jackson took Ollie’s hand again. Apparently Jackson knew his way around Wilmington, so when she suggested using maps to find their way, he frowned at her. His old stomping grounds, Jackson said, and they set off.

After an hour of walking around Wilmington and soaking up the beautiful city, they were back at Niles’ truck. He was putting the finishing touches on their drinks, so he directed them towards tables set up on the other side of his truck.

“This really is a great surprise.”

Ollie smiled. “See, not all surprises are bad!”

“It was definitely not what I was thinking.”

Ollie chuckled as Niles brought their drinks over. He set it on the table and smiled. “I got a list of things from your lady, I hope you enjoy it.”

Jackson’s eyes widened and Ollie bit her lip as she watched him. It had taken her one day to come up with the idea and when she’d spoken to Niles, he said he could do it, she made a list and now…

“Thanks Niles.” Ollie said with a smile and Niles winked as he walked back to the truck.

Jackson looked at her. “Do I even want to know what was on the list?”

“First,” she said and pushed his drink towards him, “take a sip and tell me what you think.”

“And then you’ll tell me what you listed out?”

Shrugging, she grabbed her drink. “Maybe.”

Jackson narrowed his eyes and Ollie smiled, stretching one leg out to bump her foot against his knee. Jackson took a sip and closed his eyes as he swallowed, his jaw moving like he was trying to identify all the flavors. Ollie also took a small sip, sighing at the flavors. While she still hadn’ttastedJackson, if he was a dessert, this was what he would be.

Jackson’s eyes opened and Ollie saw affection reflected back at her. Her heart raced as she stared at him, her bottom lip tucked between her teeth.

“It’s incredible.”

Ollie nodded, taking another sip as she kept her eyes on Jackson.

“Oleander, tell me.”

“Tell you…what?”

Jackson growled and Ollie smiled. “You’re still keeping me in suspense?”

Ollie grinned around the straw and took another big sip. She fished around in her bag for her phone and once she had it, set her drink aside to open the Notes app.