Page 64 of Almost Maybes

“I appreciate it, my lady.”

“Excuse me.” A tiny voice interrupted them and Jackson looked past Oleander to find a little blonde girl with her hands on her hips glaring at them. “Are we going to dance or flirt?”

Oleander snorted and turned to look at the little girl. “Where did you getthatattitude?”

The little girl rolled her eyes and thrust a hip out. “Miss Bowen, we want to dance.”

“All right, Claire, no need to get sassy.”

“Who are you, mister?”

Jackson stepped forward, but Oleander held a hand. “Claire, be nice.”

“I just asked him who he is.”

“I’m Jackson,” he offered, as Claire looked him over. “Would it be okay if I stayed for today’s class?”

Claire seemed to think about it, shrugged and turned back to her friends. Jackson and Oleander let out sighs of relief and looked at each other.

“Thank you,” she whispered with a grin that made Jackson’s heart race.

“Where do you want me?”

Oleander’s eyes darkened and Jackson swallowed back a groan at his own question. She gestured to one of the chairs against the mirror and waved him off. It would be incredibly inappropriate to get hard in a dance class full of little girls, so Jackson thought of everything and anything that was not Oleander.

She clapped twice and the girls got into formation, looking to her for further guidance. Jackson smiled in complete awe at how easily she did her job.

“Let’s start from the beginning. Does everyone remember what they need to do?”

A chorus of ‘Yes Miss Bowen’ went up and Jackson grinned at how enthusiastic these little girls were. The music started and they started moving—not a single one in the same direction, beat or rhythm. Some of them even sang along to the song, doing their own thing.

Jackson watched in amusement as Oleander weaved through kids to correct a few. Her focus never wavered, always making sure they were on the right track. When the song ended, she moved to the front of the class and repeated instructions before hitting play again.

For the next hour, Oleander guided the kids through two different dance routines and Jackson watched in complete fascination as she finally wrangled them all to follow the beat. By the end of the session, they were more or less in sync. When Oleander congratulated them, the group broke into shrieks and squeals, and Jackson plugged his ears because it was way too loud in an enclosed space.

But more importantly, he’d watched Oleander dance. At the bar, under the influence of alcohol, Oleander moved differently. But it had been sensual and distracting. Now, when she moved, she floated, her hips moving as her arms and shoulders did, her legs barely touching the ground as she performed complicated routines—well, they looked complicated tohim.

Watching her, his heart was beating so fast, Jackson was sure it was echoing in the room.

“Bye Miss Bowen! Bye Miss Bowen’s boyfriend!”

Jackson snapped out of his thoughts as Claire waved at him on her way out of the studio. He chuckled softly, watching as Oleander held the door open. Once all the kids were gone and Oleander had closed the door, Jackson got to his feet.

“That…wasinsane. How do you do this every single day?”

“I’m on autopilot most of the time, but these kids are so stinking cute, I love teaching them.”

“I can’t believe you taught them all of that in one class.”

Oleander laughed as she reached around her back and her tutu fell to the floor. Now he could see her bottom half fully—the wide flare of her hips, her thick thighs and the way it tapered down to her feet. He had memorized every dip and dimple, and even encased in leggings, he could point them out.

“This is their tenth class and theyjustgot it. It’s a long road.” She said with a sigh, bringing his attention back to her face.

“But still, they listened to you and did what they were told. That many giggling girls following orders is so rare.”

“I should be offended, but it’s very true.” Oleander laughed. “But, today was a good day.”

While Oleander gathered her things, Jackson watched. He moved to help and she frowned. Then dropped her things in his open arms.