Page 58 of Almost Maybes

Chapter Twenty

The whole time they were out of his apartment, Jackson could only think of one thing—Oleander wasn’t wearing panties. Her cleavage was also distracting him, but she wasn’t wearingpanties. And the knowledge distracted him from everything. She kept talking, but now that he’d seen her completely naked and he’dtastedher, he couldn’t focus.

At some point, they’d finished their meal and Jackson realized he’d probably nodded along and smiled at all the right moments. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested—his brain was unable to focus on everything at once. All he wanted to do was take Oleander back home and strip her naked again.

“You know,” her voice interrupted his thoughts as he unlocked his front door, “you’ve been checked out all morning.”

“Have I?”

Oleander stepped inside and toed off her pumps. “Do you know what I was talking about?”

“Sure, uh…it was…” Jackson trailed off and dropped his head, chin to his chest as he chuckled. “No, I do not.”

“Well, at least you’re honest. Because for a while there I was talking about bondage. You kept nodding and agreeing, so I figured you might be interested.”

“I’ve never tried it,” Jackson said. “Totally not the point.”

“What’s going on?” Oleander frowned.

“It’s going to sound really silly when I tell you…”

She crossed her arms over her chest, pushing her boobs up and Jackson bit back a groan. “Try me.”

“Halfway to the diner I realized you weren’t wearing panties and it’s been on my mind the whole time.”

Oleander grinned, keeping her eyes on him as she took a small step closer. “What have you been thinking about?”

He let out a shaky breath. “What it would be like to climb under the table and press my mouth between your thighs.”

“You want to go down on me.”

Jackson nodded. “It would be my honor.”

“Okay,” she whispered, her hands sliding up his chest, over his shoulders and around his neck. Jackson watched Oleander, his eyes searching hers. But instead of saying anything, she pulled his mouth to hers and Jackson relented.

The kiss was soft and slow, their lips fitting together perfectly before her tongue swept over his, encouraging him to part his lips. Jackson moved his hands down to Oleander’s waist and tugged her closer to him, erasing any gap between their bodies. Moaning softly into the kiss as her tongue slid past his lips and over his, Jackson’s hands slid down to Oleander’s ass and gave it a squeeze. She growled against his mouth and Jackson chuckled, pulling away to look at her.

“We should take this back to the bedroom.”

Oleander nodded, extracting herself from his arms. “You should probably let Carson come back.”

“Are you sure you can stay quiet?”

“I wasn’t that loud!” She poked him.

Jackson smirked. “But we haven’t really done a lot of the good stuff yet.”

“Promises, promises.” Oleander mumbled, leaving him in the hallway. Jackson pulled out his phone to let Carson know he should come home.

Carson:If you’re still going to be sexing up the hot bartender, I don’t want any part of it.

Jackson:She’s still here, but I feel bad that I kicked you out.

Carson:She guilted you into calling me back, didn’t she?

Jackson tilted his head back and took a deep breath. Becauseof courseOleander made him feel guilty about sending his housemate out earlier.

Jackson:Just come back home, asshole. We’ll be in my room.