Page 26 of Almost Maybes

Oleander rolled those gorgeous eyes and Jackson got a glimpse of a smile, which made him smile as well as he leaned forward against the bar, his beer forgotten as he watched her. “I might have mentioned you…like,once.”

“He’smentioned you more than that,” Jackson heard Gavin say from behind him, followed by a slap on the shoulder. Why did he invite his best friends again?

Oleander grinned and stuck her hand out when Milo stretched his hand over the bar. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Milo and that’s Gavin. We’re heading out now—you’ll get yourself home, right?”

“Yes,dad, I know how to get myself home,” Jackson sighed and Milo ruffled his hair as he walked away.

“You’vebeen talking about me.”

Jackson turned to face Oleander and the smile on her face…fuck, he felt like he’d earned that smile. Rubbing his mouth with one hand, Jackson shook his head. “I might have mentioned you a couple of times.”

“Did you mention that I was a bitch in the men’s room?”

“Obviously,” Jackson laughed, reaching for his beer.

“Of cou—” Oleander started only to get cut off when an annoyed male voice cut into their conversation. “Jesus, Bow, no flirting with the customers. How many times do I have to tell you?”

Jackson heard the growl come out of Oleander and noticed the tight expression on her face. That shouldn’t have been as hot as it was, but now that he’d heard the sound of her growling, it was stuck in his head.

“You’re on lock-up duty today. Harry and the boys are checking out early, so you need to get everything squared away.”

Oleander huffed and Jackson looked between her and the man who’d interrupted them as she responded, “That’s four times this month.”

“Which means you’ve been breaking my rules a lot. Lock up and we’ll call it even.” He tossed Oleander a bunch of keys, glared at Jackson and walked away.

“I’m sorry, I should probably go.”

“Stay,” Oleander whispered, turning to look at him. “Might as well keep me company since you got me into trouble tonight.”

“Uh, that sounds like grounds for more trouble.”

Oleander shrugged and twisted the towel in her hands, like she was nervous about what she was asking him to do.“Probably, but it’s no fun doing it on my own. Besides, I can score you free food.”

“Why didn’t you lead with that?” Jackson chuckled and picked up his beer, gesturing to the table he’d been at earlier with the boys. “I’ll wait over…there.”

Oleander nodded and smiled at him. He returned the smile and walked backwards a few steps before she broke eye contact and then he made his way over to the table and sat down, blowing out a shaky breath.Holy shit, he’d scored an evening with Oleander.