Page 105 of Almost Maybes

Ollie shrugged. “I was waiting doesn’t mean I wanted it to happen. If it could have been avoided, I’d have been happy as fuck. But, it happened.”

Frankie opened two pints of ice cream and slid the Rocky Road over to Ollie. “Are you going to be okay?”

“Eventually. Right now… I think we need this space. Or maybeIneed this space to really see if this is what I want and if it’s all worth it, right?”

“But you love him.”

“Love is easy. I loved Pierce, too. Look how that turned out,” Ollie said with a smile. “But it’s less about love and more about what goes with it.”

Frankie nodded and they lapsed into silence as they dug into their pints, eating the ice cream quietly. Frankie made some good points, but Ollie knew they needed this time apart. This was the most crucial part of their relationship. It hurt more because it was someone related to Jackson, but it could have happened in any situation. Until Beth’s outrage, neither of them were even aware this was something that could upset the balance of their relationship.

Ollie heard her phone ring from the bedroom and the soft sounds of the ringtone she set for Jackson made her heart ache. She wasn’t ready to hear his voice or speak to him.

It might have been four days, but it felt like yesterday and she was still recovering from the hurt.