Page 98 of Almost Maybes

“And what are you basing all of this on?”

“Seriously?” Ollie glared at her boyfriend and Lisbeth laughed.

“What do you do for a living, Oleander?”

Jackson shook his head as Ollie opened her mouth. He spoke instead. “How is that relevant here?”

“So her job isn’t great and she’s definitely not doing well in the men department, so what, she picked you and you just accepted her?”

Ollie backed up, leaning against the counter as she stared between the two of them. What was it with people and bitching about her career choices? Ollie waited for Jackson to say something in response, but he stayed silent for so long she felt like he was not going to contribute anything useful. As she started to speak, Jackson filled the silence.

“Oleander’s damn good at her job and looking after herself. If anything she’s probably looking after me,” Jackson said, moving closer to his sister. “And it’s not like she’s the only one with bad relationship experiences, I’ve had my fair share.”

“Oh honey.” Lisbeth gave him a fake sad face and Ollie wanted to punch her. “She’s using you to fix everything that’s wrong in her life and you don’t even see it.”

“Jesus, Beth, you’re reaching.”

“I’m not even going to pretend to like her,” Lisbeth countered, glaring at Ollie. “She doesn’t belong in this family and the sooner you see that, the better for everyone.”

Ollie was done. She was exhausted, worn out from this conversation and done defending herself constantly. Ollie tugged on Jackson’s arm to get his attention.

“I think I should go.”

Lisbeth clapped slowly. “You should. I’ll let dad and Mindy know you weresohappy to be invited.”

“Shut the fuck up, Beth,” Jackson snapped and Ollie took his hand, heart racing at the anger on his face. This was a whole new side of Jackson and it scared her while also comforting her. Instead of saying anything else, Jackson led her out of the kitchen and to get their bags.

Ollie stepped in front of him. “You should stay. I’ll get myself a ride.”

Jackson shook his head. “No way, I’ll take you home.”

“Jackson…this is an important party for Keleigh.”

“Andyou’reimportant to me.” He cupped her face and brushed his thumb over her cheek.

Ollie realized she was crying. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely, I’d rather be with you anyway.”

Jackson grabbed their overnight bag from Mindy’s office and Ollie followed him to the car. She looked over her shoulder and found a grinning Beth watching them. It made her want to go back and smack the smile off her face. For Jackson’s sake, she climbed into the car once he had it unlocked and slipped off her heels, tucking her feet under her butt. When Jackson got in and started the engine, Ollie sank into the seat and rested her head against the window with a heavy sigh.

The tears came faster now. Ollie hated crying when she was trying to make a point, because the minute you started crying, people would treat you like you were weak. It wasn’t Ollie’s fault her emotions got heightened when she was angry. Beth didn’t need another reason to fuck with her. She felt bad for not telling Mindy and Callum she was leaving, but Ollie knew that if she went back into the house, she wouldmost definitelykick Beth in the face.

Glancing at him as he drove, Ollie wondered if Jackson was aware ofhowhorrible his sister was. Being racist was one thing, but attacking someone for being a different skin color was a whole other level. Ollie winced as she replayed the entire conversation and then Jackson walking in and getting angry. He didn’t seem surprised, but he was definitely angry.

Which was good, but was it enough?