Page 57 of Almost Maybes

“What was that sound?”


Jackson chuckled, lifting up the toilet seat to take a leak and Ollie let her eyes drag over his body. Jackson might have been a lanky guy, but his thighs and calves had muscles that clenched. She bit her lip, her eyes drinking him in properly before lifting to his face to find her watching him.

“Are you done checking me out?”

“Not even close. This is the first time I’m getting to stare at you.”

Jackson smirked, turning in a slow circle. “Is there a particular angle you like?”

Ollie smiled, shaking her head at how silly he was being. Jackson winked and moved to wash his hands at the sink. She stepped up behind him and gave his ass a squeeze. “This is a good angle.”

“I knew you were an ass person.” Jackson laughed.

Ollie pressed herself against his back, kissing between his shoulder blades. “I think I’m aJacksonperson.”

Jackson looked over his shoulder at her. “Really?”

“You don’t believe me?”

“I do,” he nodded. “It’s still so strange to have you saying that while wearing justmyt-shirt.”

“If you’re lucky, I’ll do more thansaythings.”

Jackson chuckled and Ollie grabbed his ass again, before walking back to his bedroom. Her stomach rumbled loudly as Jackson walked in, still gloriously naked, and closed the door.

“What was that?”

“I get really hungry after sex,” Ollie told him, turning to sit on the edge of the bed.

“How do you feel about pancakes?”

Her eyes widened. “Oh my god, do you cook?”

“If you’re okay eating them undercooked or burnt.”

“Youalmostwent up a few notches.”

Jackson laughed. “There’s a diner down the street. Or I can run down and get us some food while you stay like this.”

Ollie smirked as Jackson ran his eyes over her. “We can always go and come back. I have nowhere to be until this evening.”

“Back at the Barrel tonight?”

“Another late shift, but it’ll be worth it after today.” Ollie nodded, picking her dress off the floor. She swapped the t-shirt for her dress before picking up her panties and making a face.

Jackson cleared his throat, gesturing to his hamper. “We can put in a load when we come back.”

Ollie tossed her panties into the hamper and slipped on her pumps. Her eyes followed him as he pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, sitting down beside her to pull on his own sneakers. Once they were dressed, Ollie used his mouthwash while Jackson brushed his teeth and they set out for breakfast.

All with the promise of returning to his apartment and climbing back into bed together.