Page 35 of Almost Maybes

“Thisismagic in a cup. I don’t know why there aren’t more people at his truck.”

Ollie shrugged, “Maybe he wants to take it slow and win people over gradually. I mean, he’s tucked away this far back, he’s got a strategy.”

“Whatever it is, I like this.”

“We should come back around later and see if he can whip up something as good the second time around.”

“That’s a great idea,” Jackson said and leaned in. Ollie smiled as she met him halfway, kissing him softly.

“This is the most I have kissed or smiled with someone in a really long time.”

“You deserve to be kissed and made to smile always.” Jackson said the words softly.

See, he wasn’t doing it with a purpose. His end goal might be to get her naked, but there wasmoreto what he wanted and it felt good. They turned their focus to their drinks and when she looked up, she found Jackson had managed to smear some of his shake in the corner of his mouth. Pulling her mouth off of her straw with a soft pop, she lifted a hand and swiped her thumb over his mouth. Jackson’s eyes met hers and she bit down on her bottom lip as he pressed a soft kiss to her thumb.

Ollie laughed and shook her head, “Okay, where to next?”