Chapter Nine
Even before he’d met her and become enamored with Oleander, Jackson had liked coming to the Hazy Barrel. It was close enough to work that they didn’t have to drive far when they needed a break, their drinks were great, and the space was reasonably large. Once he’d met and flirted with Oleander, Jackson was addicted. He’d told his two best friends about Oleander, letting them know he was finally ready to move on from Ursula. They had been surprised at first, but then decided they needed to meet her. So they agreed to meet at the Barrel at the end of the work day.
When Jackson stepped into the bar, his eyes clashed with a pair of brown eyes and his heart and feet stopped. He saw the slight twitch at the corner of her lips as he was nudged forward.
“Why did you stop?” Gavin nudged him harder and Jackson blinked out of his thoughts to glance at his best friend in slight confusion. “You okay, Jack?”
“Yeah, sorry, thought I saw someone.”
“Ugh, it’s notheris it?” Gavin was obviously referencing Ursula, but it still took Jackson a moment to understand who he was talking about.
Shaking his head, he shuddered slightly and looked at his friend. “I would have probably turned around and walked out if I did see her.”
“I’d burn this place down if she came here,” Gavin added with a grin. “I’ll get us a table and check in on Milo, you get us drinks.”
Jackson blew out a breath as Gavin walked away and he turned back to the bar to see if he could spot Oleander. She was gone. But, she’d been thereminutesago, those beautiful eyes settling on him as he walked through the door. Almost like she was waiting for him.
Smiling to himself, Jackson walked over. After not seeing Oleander for a few days at the Barrel, he’d actually given up hope of ever seeing her again. Stepping up to the bar, he nodded at one of the bartenders and opened his mouth to give him the order when Oleander popped up in front of him.
“Jesus,” Jackson said with a laugh, his hand over his chest as he shook his head at the brunette. “Don’t scare me like that.”
“Oleander, fancy seeing you here.”
She offered him a smile and looked around. “I know, what are the odds?”
“Haven’t seen you around for a few days,” Jackson said, mentally kicking himself for letting those words slip out.
“Oh, you’ve been keeping tabs on me.”
“Just like coming to a place where I know a familiar face who also knows my order.”
“Of course.” Oleander smirked at him and then turned away to get his favorite beer. When he held up three fingers, she grabbed two more bottles and popped them open before setting them on the bar. “Stay out of trouble.”
“I should be saying that to you.”
“Well, you know me, trouble follows me everywhere,” Oleander told him with a grin and Jackson took a moment to look her over as she turned away. She had her long hair in two braids, one lay over her shoulder while the other down her back. And instead of a vintage band tee like before, she was wearing a powder pink one with the words ‘Brown Girl Power’ printed across the front in bold font. A hand appeared in his line of sight, snapping at him and Jackson blushed as he lifted his eyes back to Oleander’s.
“Sorry, I like your t-shirt,” he said with a sheepish smile.
“Oh yeah? What do you like about it so much?”
Jackson rubbed the back of his neck and laughed softly. “The font is great. I appreciate a good font.”
“Is that what the kids call it these days?” She laughed and Jackson’s blush seemed to spread everywhere as he reached for his beers.
“Thanks for these,” he said with a smile, waving the bottles as he stepped away from the bar. “I’ll see you around.”
Oleander nodded, offering him another smile before turning away, leaving Jackson staring at her a moment longer. And then he blew out a breath and turned around to find his two best friends grinning at him. Rolling his eyes, he walked over, set the beers down and dropped into the extra chair at the table. Only after he was seated did Jackson realize that his back was to the bar, so now he couldn’t see Oleander, but his two best friends could.
“Damn, Jack, she’s gorgeous,” Milo whispered as he reached for one of the beers, his eyes on Oleander.
Sighing heavily, Jackson nodded. “I know.”
“Wait, you were flirting with the bartender?” Gavin looked so confused, Jackson laughed.
“That’sthewoman I was telling you about.”