Page 119 of Almost Maybes

“Babe? What happened?” Jackson appeared in the kitchen in gray sweatpants, t-shirt in hand.

Ollie was temporarily distracted by his state of undress and choice of clothes, before she lifted her bleeding hand. “I broke the glass.”

“You know what this reminds me of?”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “First aid kit is under the sink in my bathroom.”

Jackson laughed and went to get it while Ollie rinsed the blood off her hand. Using her other hand, she grabbed the broom and started sweeping up the glass when Jackson came back with his shirt on.

“Stop it, come sit down.”

“Ugh, you’re enjoying this.”

Jackson smirked, pulling out a chair for her. “It’s poetic that this happened tonight.”

Ollie held her hand out and Jackson wiped the blood off before checking to make sure there were no glass pieces stuck in her skin. She smiled, watching him. Because he was right, it was poetic. While it wasn’t their first meeting, the crash had been what put them in each other’s lives forever. She still remembered how distracted she was by his strong forearms, messy hair and sparkling eyes.

It felt surreal to have him there. Ollie wanted to forget about her hand and crawl into his lap. He was there, he came back for her. Even though Ollie told him she needed time, both of them knew it wasn’t going to be forever. She could have walked away, but she would have regretted it every single day. This was where they were meant to be.

“Ouch!” She yelped when her hand burned.

“It’s just a little alcohol.”

Ollie smacked Jackson with her free hand. “I didn’t do this to you!”

“No, but you probably should have.” Jackson chuckled. She liked thathewas playing nurse, cleaning and wrapping up her hand.

“There you go,” he said.

“You’ll need to open the wine.”

Jackson lifted her injured hand to his lips and kissed the gauze. “Anything for you, my love.”

Ollie swooned a little and focused on packing up the kit before joining him in the kitchen. He managed to open the wine without any accidents and poured it into two glasses. Ollie came around the counter and wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her lips against his bicep, resting her chin on his shoulder.

“I’m glad you’re here.”

Jackson kissed the top of her head. “Now that I’m back, I’m not leaving.”

“The horror!”

“True story, you better be prepared for me to drive you insane.”

“More than you already do?” Ollie quirked an eyebrow.

“I drive you insanewith love.”

“Okay, hot stuff.”

Jackson smirked. “I appreciate the evolution from cutie to hot stuff.”

“You’re a regular Pokémon.”

“Wait, you know what Pokémon are?”

Ollie gasped and moved to smack him, but realized she was using her injured hand and changed her mind. Jackson laughed and tugged her into him. Their lips met in a slow kiss, wine and injured hand forgotten.

And there it was—the electric charge she was worried wouldn’t come back. Jackson had always set her body on fire with a kiss or touch. Sure, they were stillOllie and Jackson, but that kiss was deeper and more passionate. It held everything they felt for each other and Ollie was so overwhelmed by the feelings she had for this man.