Chapter Thirty-Seven
After the family meeting, Jackson went back to research some more. His learning was never going to be done and he knew it was going to take a really long time before he was fully ready to give Oleander what she deserved. Being a supportive partner was one thing, but it was also about being an understanding partner and someone who would be willing to learn from his mistakes.
His brain played the greatest hits of that day and the look on Oleander’s face when she’d pulled away from him. Jackson had spent most of his childhood crying, but as an adult, he didn’t shed too many tears. But the more he thought about Oleander and how badly things had turned out, he found himself crying in the shower.
Beth was finally given an ultimatum with the family and Jackson heard all about it from Brandon a few days after the family meeting. It had been ugly, as predicted, but at least now everyone was completely aware of where Beth stood. She had made her choice too, by cutting out the family and doing her own thing. Jackson was worried for her kids, because they would grow up the way Beth wanted them to and that included being racist, ugly and horrible. And those kids were too young to be molded that way.
While he was wallowing, Milo and Frankie seemed to form some kind of bond. They weren’t seen in public together, but Jackson had seen Milo’s phone ringing a few times, with Frankie’s face on the screen. It only made him long for the days when he had that kind of relationship with Oleander.
When some friends from college invited them to a party, Milo said he was inviting Frankie. Jackson hoped that Oleander would also show up. But they hadn’t spoken at all and Jackson didn’t know where he stood in her life. His head was so full of questions and desires, and wanting to see Oleander that he stopped trying to make sense of everything else.
“Who invited these three good looking motherfuckers to my party?!” someone yelled as Jackson walked into the apartment with Milo and Gavin. That was always the greetingtheygot, but Jackson had never felt like they meant it till that night. Thanks to Oleander, he found greater appreciation for himself. She helped him see that he was worth a second look and he had other redeeming qualities to focus on too. The three of them shook hands, bumped shoulders with their friends and moved around until they had drinks in their hands.
Jackson was catching up with a friend when he heard Frankie’s voice, followed by Milo greeting her. His eyes moved around the room and froze at the sight of Oleander. She looked incredible. It had been so long since he’d seen her, but Jackson hadn’t forgotten how beautiful she was.
It felt like he was seeing for the first time. When their eyes met, he smiled and got one in return. But he didn’t move, he let his eyes move over her body, his dick stirring in his pants as he took her in.
Oleander was wearing a white swishy skirt that stopped above her knees with a black strappy top. It dipped low in the front, hugging her beautiful breasts. Her hair was loose and flowing, making him miss sliding his fingers through the soft strands. She was wearing Chucks this time, but her legs still looked so long and firm. His eyes moving back up her body, smiling at the hint of her tattoo between the top and the waistband of her skirt. When their eyes locked again, Jackson saw heat in Oleander’s eyes and he wondered if she saw the same in his.
Seeing her was like a breath of fresh air and he didn’t know how he’d breathed all this time without her. Beyond her beauty, his heart ached for her. His arms hadn’t forgotten what it felt like to hold her, his lips didn’t forget the way hers fit against his, but his brain was happy to remind him of the look on Oleander’s face the last time they saw each other.
She was breathtaking. He had never felt this way about anyone else before, and watching her as she smiled at people Milo introduced them to, Jackson felt like they were so far apart. He’d done this, he’d put this space between them and he’d broken them by being himself.
She stayed with Frankie and Milo as Jackson made his rounds, their eyes meeting every time he glanced her way. He knew he needed to go over and say hi, but he was also worried that once he got close enough to her, he wouldn’t be able to walk away. And Jackson wasn’t sure if she was ready for him. The last time they’d seen each other was almost a month ago, and he’d hurt her to the point of her kicking him out. Oleander had every right to make him leave. And it took him facing off with his sister to realize where he’d gone wrong.
Milo found him standing in a corner by himself and nudged him forward. By the time Jackson reached Oleander, Milo was tugging Frankie away and leaving them alone.
The scent of her perfume swirled around him and Jackson had to resist the urge to close his eyes. They came together and he hugged her, his free hand sliding around her waist to hold her against him a minute longer.
“Jackson.” She said his name softly, pulling back.
“You’re so beautiful.” Shelookedbeautiful, but Oleander radiated beauty all the time.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” she said softly, brushing her hand over the front of his blue Henley.
That simple action made his body lean towards hers. He missed the way she touched him, the way she smiled, the way her eyes twinkled when she was being silly and naughty in bed. He missed the sound of her saying his name too and he let it replay over and over again, because it was now going to be the soundtrack to his life.
Jackson knew how much Oleander liked these shirts, so he’d gone out and bought a whole new set in different colors. And tonight, he’d chosen a slightly brighter blue and paired it with jeans and his usual sneakers. His hair was messier than usual and he’d let his facial fuzz grow out. Milo had made him trim it before leaving and Jackson was glad. Because looking at Oleander, he could see she was cataloging all of those things too.
“Can I get you a drink?”
She laughed softly. “It’s weird being served drinks.”
“That’s right, I heard you quit.”
“And I heard you haven’t been back since.”
Jackson blushed as he moved to the kitchen. “I didn’t have a reason to go back anymore.”
“Where are you guys going now?”
“A sports bar close to work. It’s missing hot girls in band tees, though.”
“That’s a shame.”
Oleander smiled and Jackson gestured to the makeshift bar. She tapped her finger against her lips and Jackson’s eyes drifted to her mouth, his mind filled with memories of them kissing, nibbling on her plump bottom lip as she pushed her hands into his hair.