Page 107 of Almost Maybes

“What the fuck, Brandon? Excuse you.”

“Lisbeth Catherine Huxley, you will not use that language in my house.” His father’s booming voice echoed through the room and Jackson shrank back.

“Jeez, dad, way to be an asshole yourself.”

“Lisbeth,” Mindy started and Jackson watched as the two women faced off. “We do not allow racist behavior in this house. We do not tolerate your brand of mean and we will not stand by as you hurt people that are important to us.”

Jackson felt the air leave his lungs. Theyknewand they were calling Beth out on it. He hadn’t expected everyone to step up, but looking at his family, he could see they were angry. It wasn’t just disappointment, it was a whole other level and it was shocking. But also satisfying, especially given the look on Beth’s face as she glanced at every single person in the room.

“What are you talking about?”

“Seriously, Beth, you’re going to play innocent now?” Jackson finally found his voice and stepped towards her.

“Oh please, you should bethankingme.”

His father came around the counter so he was looking directly at Lisbeth. “If you cannot keep your mouth shut about your ugly opinions, you are no longer welcome in this house.”

“Daddy…” Lisbeth’s eyes widened and Jackson watched as his big sister became a little girl again. “I didn’t do anything.”

Jackson opened his mouth, but Mindy held her hand up to stop him. “Keleigh recorded the entire conversation. We know what you said to Oleander, how you treated her and we are done letting you get away with it.”

“Daddy, you know that’s not who I am.”

His father shook his head. “I’ve seen the video, honey. You can’t charm your way out of this one.”

“Brandon,” his sister pleaded, hoping someone would be on her side. “You agreed with me.”

His brother frowned. “I barely know this woman.”

Jackson stepped forward and looked his sister in the eyes. After everything he’d learned, he understood what was happening. Beth was gaslighting them and it made him realize he’d done the same thing to Oleander.

Because she was saying so many things Jackson had said to his girlfriend.

He kept his voice soft, trying not to agitate her, like she was a caged and rabid animal that would lunge for him. “What was the point of the showdown, Beth? Were you trying to show your strength over Oleander or just behave like an asshole?”

Beth’s face changed, a sneer and a growl taking the place of the innocent act she’d put on for their father. Jackson sucked in a sharp breath as his sister leaned forward. “She broke up with you, didn’t she? That’s why you’re so angry. You didn’t care when I was talking to her.”

“Lisbeth, enough.”

“No, Daddy, Jackson stood there and growled at me, but he never said anything to defend his little girlfriend. So clearly he believes everything I said.”

Fucking Beth.She was right, and Jackson hated how right she was. He hadn’t defended Oleander. He’d told Beth she was being an idiot and then they’d left. The issue was, none of them knew how to deal with a racist family member the right way, and by not defending his girlfriend, he’d made it look like he was on Beth’s side.

But he wasn’t.

“I do not,” Jackson responded, gritting his teeth as he glared at Beth.

Beth giggled and patted his arm. “It’s okay, Jack, she’s not worth it and you deserve better.”

“Beth…” Her name came out a growl from their father and Jackson laughed as he backed up.

“You’re right, I didn’t defend her properly and I’m paying for it dearly. I lost her because you decided your petty issues were more important. And because I didn’t understand how deep your dislike for those who are different runs. You’re not opinionated, Beth; you’reracist. What you don’t and will never understand is that Oleander is worth more to me than you’ll ever be.”

Beth rolled her eyes and Jackson looked at his parents and sighed.

“We’re all allowed to have our opinions about everything in the world, but what we’re not allowed to do is belittle someone because they don’t fit into our box,” he explained, looking at Beth. “And I lost Oleander because I wasn’t listening or paying attention. I lost her because I didn’tunderstand. But if Beth gets to stay in this family, I’m gone.”

“Jackson…” Mindy reached for him and Jackson shook his head. He glanced at his father, nodded once and did the same with Brandon before walking out of the house. He moved at a normal pace and slid into his car and leaned forward to rest his forehead against the steering wheel.