Page 103 of Almost Maybes

“I’ll take the food and booze, but I’m good on the talking.”

“Oh honey,I’mgoing to do the talking. As always.” Frankie hung up before Ollie could speak, so she set her phone down and flopped back onto her bed.

Four days.

No wonder everyone got worked up. A part of her was curious if Jackson had called, but she decided she didn’t want to know. They were broken up, she’d made her decision and that was the end of that.

Forcing herself out of bed, Ollie stripped off her clothes. She turned on the shower and her eyes snagged on her vibrator on the edge of the sink. The last time she’d used it had been with Jackson—they’d spent an evening in her tub and he watched her get off with it.

Ollie shook her head, growling at the image in her mind. Forced herself to focus on the matter at hand—she needed to shower, smell presentable and spend some time with Frankie. Being with her best friend would be a good distraction.

The water was scalding, but it helped numb everything. Ollie adjusted the taps until she had the right temperature and washed her hair, scrubbed her body—behind her knees, her elbows, behind her ears, her neck—and when she was smelling like herself again, she dried off and changed into fresh clothes.

Once she felt more human, she texted her parents and let them know she was okay. And even though they asked what was wrong and why she was out of contact, Ollie kept the information to herself. There were some things her parents didn’t need to know. Given that they didn’t even know about Jackson yet meant breaking the news to them now would only make them dislike him more. She wanted to get her life together and everything straightened out before she brought up Jackson.

Ollie heard the front door open and close and turned the volume up on her phone before walking out to meet Frankie in the kitchen.

“Look at you, pretty as a daisy.”

“Freshas a daisy.”

Frankie shrugged, “Potato, potahto.”

“What did you bring me?”

“Nachos, guac, ice cream, lots of wine and your favorite Chinese food.”

Ollie stared at the pile of food Frankie was unloading onto the kitchen counter and shook her head. There was so much and yet, she knew between the two of them, they’d finish everything off before Frankie left.Ifshe left.

“Thank you.”

“Oh please, all of this is mostly for me.”

Ollie smiled. “For coming here.”

Frankie turned to her. “You’re my soulmate and if you’re hurting, I’m hurting.”

“You don’t even know what happened.”

“I know.” Frankie sighed and Ollie frowned. “Jackson’s been miserable and talking Milo’s ear off.”

In all of her love and then rage haze, she forgot about Frankie and Milo being together. But what bothered her more was knowing that Jackson was miserable. It comforted her to know that he was as broken up about this as she was, but it still made her sad.

“Speaking of…how are things with Milo?”

Frankie lifted a shoulder in a shrug, “They’re good. I’m happy.”

Ollie smiled, “I can tell by the fact that you’re fighting the urge to grin at me.”

Laughing loudly, Frankie covered her face. Ollie was glad for her, because her best friend worked too much and didn’t have enough fun. By the looks of it, she and Milo were still having fun and that’s all that mattered.

“I’m happy for you, Frank. You deserve someone good.”

Frankie grinned, a light blush covering her face. “Andhot as fuck.”

Ollie laughed as she reached for a bag of nachos.

“But seriously, Anders, I’m sorry about what happened.”