“No, that’s not good enough,” Jackson told her, moving closer as he spoke. “I do understand what you’re saying and I know her words hurt you, but what about me? I don’t want to be an asshole and say my feelings are important too, but you’re being ridiculous by throwing away the last eight months because of something my sister said.”
Oleander scoffed, then looked shocked at how close he’d gotten. Jackson realized his mistake too late, because she put her hands on his chest and pushed him back. “Youarebeing an asshole.”
“Come on, Ollie, we can’t end like this.”
“How else should we end? When your sister calls me a terrorist?”
Jackson frowned. “That’s not fair.”
“You know what’s really not fair? Myboyfriendnot being able to understand a simple request because he’s crossed a line.”
“Fuck, what does that mean!?”
Oleander let out a growl. Except, this wasn’t sexy or attractive. This was an angry growl. She was back to vibrating, with her eyes dark and angry.
“Jackson.” She said his name firmly and he stiffened. “You’re walking out of this apartment and we’re going to take some time to really think about what happened.”
“That’s it? We’re walking away from each other because ofone person?”
“Yes.” Her voice shook slightly and Jackson sighed when she didn’t say anything else.
She shook her head and turned away from him. Taking the wine with her, Oleander walked towards her bedroom and looked over her shoulder at him.
“This is for the best, Jackson.”
She stepped into her room, pushed the door shut and left him there alone. Standing in the middle of her apartment, Jackson inhaled deeply and released the breath, unable to focus on the fact he’d been broken up with.
At least this time it wasn’t because someone was cheating on someone else. But this hurt more. His sister had done some serious damage and Jackson couldn’t do anything about it. She had unleashed her ugly colors and Oleander was collateral damage. He’d seen the light go out in her eyes and wished he could make it better. But there was literally nothing he could do to help. His words weren’t helping, his actions weren’t helping either. It was a mess.
With one last look at her closed bedroom door, Jackson walked out of the apartment.