Chapter Twenty-Nine

Holding Kylie’s hand as they pushed through the crowd, Derek was on top of the world. People they passed gave him winks and nods, supposedly approving of his apology tactics. He kept looking over at Kylie and squeezing her hand to reassure himself that she was in fact there. The sun shining between the vendor stalls sparkled off her lip gloss.

“I will never stop being impressed by the job you did with this fair. You really are amazing.” He took a second to take in the sight of her once more. She was beaming, her gorgeous eyes shining, and he wanted to spend the rest of his life making her smile, just like that.

“Don’t you forget it.” She nudged him.

“I don’t plan to.” He nudged back.

After a moment she said, “I got a second job in Hampton.”

“Yeah, your brother mentioned it.”

“I should’ve told you sooner.” She frowned. “Then maybe we could’ve avoided some of this mess.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t really give you the chance to tell me, but congratulations.”


“And also,” he sighed, “this particular mess is all on me.”

Over the noise of the fair and the music from the dance studio booth, the sound of a lawn mower rose above the crowd and Derek saw Randy drive his ride-on lawn mower into a parking spot at the field and join the long barbeque line behind Kylie’s parents and their pug.

Derek chuckled. “I guess now everyone really is here.”

~ * ~

Every part of Kylie noticed that Derek had not taken his hand from hers since they left the stage area. They did a circuit around the fair together. He was stopped by many people who had questions or wanted to sign the petition. She made sure to catch each organizer and booth runner to see how things were going. When they made it back to the pony rides, she became very self-conscious about holding his hand. What would Audrey think after they talked about Derek being terrible last night?

She didn’t have to worry though. Audrey raised an eyebrow but smirked and nodded Kylie’s way. Then Audrey winked, and Kylie didn’t understand until a blushing Brad rolled up next to her.

“I’m so glad you’re staying here,” her big brother said. “I love you Ky-Bear, but I remember what it was like living with you. Not something I want to repeat.”

“Whatever, I am a delight to live with.” She punched him in the arm. “On your way to the ponies?”

“Uh…no. I uh…gotta go find Mom and Dad.” He spun his chair around and wheeled in the opposite direction as quickly as he could rolling over grass.

“What was that about?” Derek asked, looking from Audrey to the back of Brad.

“Certain inevitability, I think,” Kylie said.

His brow furrowed.

“Hey, you two,” came a voice from the opposite direction. With an excited Charlie in tow, Cate approached them.

“Kylie!” He squealed and ran up to her, putting his arms around her legs. She let go of Derek’s hand to kneel and give the boy a proper hug, “Does this mean you can come to dinner?”

“Sure thing, pal,” she said. “But Taco’s got to stay in his cage this time.”

“Woo hoo!” He screamed then started twirling circles around Cate who wrinkled her nose.

“Don’t mind him. He’s had a bit too much cotton candy.”

“Better slow down on the twirling then, Charlie,” Derek said. “No puking at the fair.” Charlie giggled as Derek scooped him up.

“You actually fell for that dork apology speech?” Cate asked her.

Before Kylie could answer, Derek said, “Actually, I had further apologies to give, as well as significant groveling.”